DoD 8570 Training

The Department of Defense requires that all information assurance personnel must become compliant with IT and security certification standards.

DoD 8570 training, also called Information Assurance training, is available through TechNow to provide you with the certification that is required.  Your DoD 8570 training  ( information assurance training ) at TechNow will provide you with all of the courses necessary to receive your DoD 8570.01-M certification.

Ongoing open enrollment through TechNow is available for our DoD 8570.01-M courses.

Please review the full & updated DoD approved IA baseline certifications aligned to each category & level of the IA workforce.



For further information or to schedule for classes, call us at 800-324-2294



Course Overview:

In this course students will learn to install the Linux™ operating system, to administer users and software, to use vi, basic Linux security, process control, file system maintenance, backup and recovery, including some basic networking concepts. This course insures that students have the skills to configure all desktop and client side related activity.

Attendees to L-245: Linux System Administration I will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 days

Course Objectives:

  • Linux operating system installation
  • Hardware Issues
  • LILO & GRUB Configuration
  • Managing the Linux file system
  • Boot Process
  • Customization of setup files
  • System Startup
  • Run Levels
  • Network Services
  • User Management
  • Changing Passwords
  • Monitoring, accessing & restricting root system access
  • Administration Tools
  • Disk Management
  • Quotas
  • Process Control
  • Installing & removing software & patches
  • Network Configuration
  • Client side components of NFS, Samba, NTP, NIS
  • Printing
  • Backup and Recovery
  • Using utilities for process control, locating files & automating maintenance tasks


  • Students should have an understanding of all basic UNIX commands as well as variable substitution, wild card expansion, command pipes, permissions, the grep  and find commands.
  • These prerequisites can be met through completion of TN-125: Introduction to UNIX & Linux and six month’s experience with Linux.



Latest comments from students

User: flores2015

Instructor comments: Very Good Instructor (Bill Peterson)

Facilities comments: Nice - Can't wait for your new facility.

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Course Overview:

The System Administration I for Red Hat course is designed for IT professionals working to become full-time enterprise Linux system administrators. This course gives the student direct experience with the most essential system administration tasks in the Red Hat. You will be instructed in crucial system management skills including: configuring network interfaces, client set up of network protocols, managing local disk devices, installation, package management, performing system boot procedures, grub and controlling system processes.

Attendees to RH-245: Linux System Administration I will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 days

Course Objectives:

  • Installation
  • Manage File Systems and Local Disk Drives
  • Perform Mounts and Unmounts
  • Perform System Boot Procedures
  • Tuning and Maintaining the Kernel
  • Control System Processes
  • Perform User Administration
  • Installing and Managing Services
  • Perform Package Administration
  • Client Setup of SSH and Printing



Latest comments from students

User: mlspence

Instructor comments: Bill was awesome! He did a fantastic job teaching the course mater to everyone in the class. He made sure everyone was able to keep up and that they understood the material before moving on. Thanks!

Facilities comments: They were great as well

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Course Overview:

Linux System Administration II course is for experienced administrators ready for advanced administration topics. This course provides students with hands-on experience working with more complex and integrated administration concepts, and builds upon the Part 1 course. Students will be instructed in essential  local Red Hat system administration skills including: Logical Volumes, Raid Management, and System Logging, SELinux and Virtual Machines.  The Linux System Administration II course will get you started in understanding network administration topics, including monitoring, routing, Firewall with iptables, and servers such as NFS, SAMBA, DNS, SMTP, HTTP, DHCP, and Kickstart.

Attendees to RH-295: Linux System Administration II will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 days

Course Objectives:

  • Managing Logical Volumes and RAID
  • Network Routing, Filtering and Monitoring
  • Configuring File Sharing Across Platforms
  • Configuring Internet Services
  • Configuring Security
  • Configuring System Messaging
  • Using Name Services
  • Configuring Name Service Clients
  • Configuring Kickstart
  • Virtualization with KVM
  • Troubleshooting Boot Process



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Course Overview:

TN-575: Open Source Network Security Monitoring teaches students how to deploy, build, and run an NSM operation using open source software and vendor-neutral tools. No network is bullet proof and when attackers access your network, this course will show you how to build a security net to detect, contain, and control the attacker. Sensitive data can be monitored and deep packet and deep attachment analysis can be achieved. As organizations stand up a Security Operations Center (SOC) the enterprise NSM is the key ingredient to that SOC. This course not only teaches how to implement an NSM technologically, but how to effectively monitor an enterprise operationally. You will learn how to architect an NSM solution: where to deploy your NSM platforms and how to size them, stand-alone or distributed, and integration into packet analysis, interpret evidence, and integrate threat intelligence from external sources to identify sophisticated attackers. A properly implemented NSM is integral to incident response and provides the responders timely information to react to the incident. TN-575: Open Source Network Security Monitoring is a lab intensive environment with a cyber range that gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical experience monitoring live systems to include: Cisco, Windows, Linux, IoT, and Firewalls.

Attendees to TN-575: Open Source Network Security Monitoring class will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.

This Course is taught utilizing Security Onion or RockNSM as specified by the customer.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objective:

The focus of this course is to present a suite of Open Source security products integrated into a highly functional and scalable Network Security Monitoring solution.


Students should have a basic understanding of networks, TCP/IP and standard protocols such as DNS, HTTP, etc. Some Linux knowledge/experience is recommended, but not required

Course Outline:

  • Network Security Monitoring (NSM) Methodology
  • High Bandwidth Packet Capture Challenges
  • Installation of Security Onion
    • Use Cases (analysis, lab, stand-alone, distributed)
    • Resource Requirements
  • Configuration
    • Setup Phase I – Network Configuration
    • Setup Phase 2 – Service Configuration
    • Evaluation Mode vs. Configuration Mode
    • Verifying Services
  • Security Onion Architecture
    • Configuration Files and Folders
    • Network Interfaces
    • Docker Environment
    • Security Onion Containers
  • Overview of Security Onion Analyst Tools
    • Kibana
    • CapME
    • CyberChef
    • Squert
    • Sguil
    • NetworkMiner
  • Quick Review of Wireshark and Packet Analysis
    • Display and Capture Filters
    • Analyze and Statistics Menu Options
    • Analysis for Signatures
  • Analyzing Alerts
    • Replaying Traffic
    • 3 Primary Interfaces:
      • Squert
      • Sguil
      • Kibana
    • Pivoting Between Interfaces
    • Pivoting to Full Packet Capture
  • Snort and Surricata
    • Rule Syntax and Construction
    • Implementing Custom Rules
    • Implementing Whitelists and Blacklists
  • Hunting
    • Using Kibana to Slice and Dice Logs
    • Hunting Workflow with Kibana
  • Bro
    • Introduction and Overview
      • Architecture, Commands
    • Understanding and Examining Bro Logs
      • Using AWK, sort, uniq, and bro-cut
    • Working with traces/PCAPs
    • Bro Scripts Overview
      • Loading and Using Scripts
    • Bro Frameworks Overview
      • Bro File Analysis Framework FAF
    • Using Bro scripts to carve out more than files
  • RockNSM ( * If Applicable)
    •  Kafka
      • Installation and Configuration
      • Kafka Messaging
      • Brokers
      • Integration with Bro and FSF
    • File Scanning Framework FSF
      • Custom YARA Signatures
      • JSON Trees
      • Sub-Object Recursion
      • Bro and Suricata Integration
  • Elastic Stack
    • Adding new data sources in Logstash
    • Enriching data with Logstash
    • Automating with Elastalert
    • Building new Kibana dashboards
  • Production Deployment
    • Advanced Setup
    • Master vs Sensor
    • Node Types – Master, Forward, Heavy, Storage
    • Command Line Setup with sosetup.conf
    • Architectural Recommendations
    • Sensor Placement
    • Hardening
    • Administration
    • Maintenance
  • Tuning
    • Using PulledPork to Disable Rules
    • BPF’s to Filter Traffic
    • Spinning up Additional Snort / Suricata / Bro Workers to Handle Higher Traffic Loads


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