Course Overview:

This course teaches students how to use the powerful PERL programming language, focusing on hands-on labs to promote retention & challenge students to apply their skills to new situations. PERL is a flexible, easy to use language suitable for many tasks such as system administration, web applications & database integration. System administrators, web programmers & database administrators will benefit from mastering this powerful programming language. This course reviews & builds on the information presented in PL-115: Fundamentals of Computer Programming.

Attendees to P-245: Programming with PERL will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Course Duration: 5 days

Course Objectives:

  • Introduction
  • Scalar Data
  • Lists & Arrays
  • Subroutines
  • Input & Output
  • Hashes
  • In the World of Regular Expressions
  • Matching with Regular Expressions
  • Processing Text with Regular Expressions
  • More Control Structures
  • File Tests
  • Directory Operations
  • Strings & Sorting
  • Process Management
  • PERL Modules
  • Some Advanced PERL Techniques



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TechNow offers the full gamut of programming languages from ANSI C and C++ to the various Microsoft .Net languages (Visual Basic, C# and C++).  If you are completely new to programming, TechNow offers courses that demonstrate the fundamentals to get you started.

If you prefer Unix/Linux, we offer Shell Programming, as well as, Perl and Python.  We also offer courses in the web development languages, such as, Java Servlets, JSP, and ASP .Net.

The following is a list of our Programming training courses:


TechNow, Inc., a training company, was founded in 1990.  TechNow celebrates 35 years of regularly scheduled commercial training delivery in 2025 and has evolved into a global training company that is dynamic and able to customize our training to meet the needs of our customers.  Our focus is hands-on, skills-based hardware/software and security training for those who want stay current with today’s ever-changing technologies.  We are a Pearson Vue Testing Center and have developed a proven testing program, including mobile testing, that ends with certification at the end of many of our courses.  Our courses are taught by professional educators and experts in their respective fields and bring to the classroom a wealth of knowledge from the “real world”.  Our customers include many Fortune 500 companies as well as the Department of Defense, Federal Government, and Intelligence Agencies.

At TechNow our goal is to help you achieve your goals and we strive for 100% customer service and satisfaction.  TechNow‘s certification pass rate is the highest in the industry.  Our web-site and our professional training advisors will assist you with selecting courses that help meet your organization’s objectives and the right career path to stay competitive in today’s market.

To learn more about TechNow or to schedule your training, call us at 800-324-2294.


Course Overview:

C-225: C++ Object Oriented Programming is a hands-on course that provides a complete introduction to the ANSI Standard C++ programming language, focusing on quickly developing the practical skills needed to create real-world solutions.  Our hands-on labs are designed to promote retention and challenge students to apply their skills to new situations.

C++ is more than just C with classes.  It is a whole new language with a structure similar to C, but with significant differences to warrant a complete course to cover its features.

Attendees to C-225: C++ Oriented Programming will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Classes
  • Casting in C++
  • Constructors & Destructors
  • Class Methods & Data
  • Inheritance
  • Overloaded Functions
  • Virtual Functions
  • Overloaded Operators
  • Pure Virtual Functions
  • Exception Handling
  • References & Constants
  • Standard Template Library
  • New and Delete
  • STL Containers




Latest comments from students

User: christinehejnal

Instructor comments: The material was made clear, however I don't agree that she shouldn't have catered towards the people not taking the exam.

Facilities comments: The facilities were cold and very noisy, I found it hard to concentrate.

User: mamacker1

Instructor comments: Informative instructor. Definitely not monotone. I'd recommend it to my sister if I had one.

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Course Overview:

This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to maintain a Microsoft SQL Server database. The course focuses on teaching individuals how to use SQL Server product features and tools related to maintaining a database.

Attendees to MS-6231: Maintaining a Microsoft SQL Server Database will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Installing and Configuring SQL Server
  • Managing Databases and Files
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Managing Security
  • Transferring Data
  • Automating Administrative Tasks
  • Implementation Replication
  • Maintaining High Availability
  • Monitoring SQL Server
  • Troubleshooting and Performance Tuning


  • None


Latest comments from students

User: angelangeles

Instructor comments: Clay was knowledgeable instructor with enough experience to make subject matter relatable to real world usage.


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