Course Overview:

TN-813: Certified in Governance, Risk, and Compliance (CGRC) course is for the (ISC)²® Certified in Governance, Risk, and Compliance (CGRC) credential previously known as Certified Authorization Professional (CAP). This course walks the student through the Risk Management Framework following practices the NIST pubs. CGRC is an objective measure of the knowledge, skills and abilities required for personnel involved in the process of certifying and accrediting security of information systems. Specifically, this credential applies to those responsible for formalizing processes used to assess risk and establish security requirements. Their decisions will ensure that information systems possess security commensurate with the level of exposure to potential risk, as well as damage to assets or individuals.The CGRC credential is appropriate for civilian, state and local governments in the U.S., as well as commercial markets. CGRC certification applies to job functions such as authorization officials, system owners, information owners, information system security officers, and certifiers.  CGRC is crucial to the Management staff.

This course is the “why” of the entire security field. It provides a logical way of allocating resources where there is greatest risk and why we make the decisions we make in the field of security. It is TechNow’s view that of all the security courses we have seen, this course genuinely puts the “big picture” of security in front of the students. Students actually come to an understanding of truly what is critical to security of an enterprise versus a bunch of nuts and bolts of security.

TechNow’s CGRC course covers all of the (ISC)²® CGRC 7 Knowledge domains:

  • Security and Privacy Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance Program
  • Scope of the System
  • Selection and Approval of Framework, Security, and Privacy Controls
  • Implementation of Security and Privacy Controls
  • Assessment/ Audit of Security and Privacy Controls
  • System Compliance
  • Compliance Maintenance

RMF Related Steps

  • Prepare – Process Initiation
  • Categorize Information Systems
  • Establish the Security Control Baseline
  • Apply Security Controls
  • Assess Security Controls
  • Authorize Information System
  • Monitor Security Controls

TechNow’s CGRC Instructors have extensive knowledge and experience in the field, and have been working with organizations to build assessor teams for over 20 years.

Attendees to TN-813: Certified in Governance, Risk, and Compliance (CGRC) will receive TechNow authorized training materials, including access to the documentation of the CGRC Exam domains, and expert instruction.


Date/Time Event
03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025
08:00 -16:00
TN-813: Certified in Governance, Risk and Compliance (CGRC)
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX
05/28/2025 - 05/30/2025
08:00 -16:00
TN-813: Certified in Governance, Risk and Compliance (CGRC)
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX
09/08/2025 - 09/11/2025
08:00 -16:00
TN-813: Certified in Governance, Risk and Compliance (CGRC)
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX

Duration: 3 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Initiate the Preparation Phase
  • Perform Execution Phase
  • Perform Maintenance Phase
  • Understand the Purpose of Security Authorization


  • IT Security
  • Information Assurance
  • Information Risk Management certification and systems administration
  • 1-2 years of general experience technical experience
  • 2 years of general systems experience
  • 1-2 years of Database/Systems Development/Network Experience
  • Information Security Policy Experience


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Course Overview:

This course delivers the technical knowledge, insight, and hands-on training to receive in-depth knowledge on Wireshark® and TCP/IP communications analysis. You will learn to use Wireshark to identify the most common causes of performance problems in TCP/IP communications. You will learn about the underlying theory of TCP/IP and the most used application protocols, so that you can intelligently examine network traffic for performance issues or possible Indicators of Compromise (IoC).

Duration: 5 Days


Anyone interested in learning to troubleshoot and optimize TCP/IP networks and analyze network traffic with Wireshark, especially network engineers, information technology specialists, and security analysts.

Course Prerequisites:

We recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisite:
• Network+

Dates/Locations: No Events

Course Outline:


Course Set Up and Analyzer Testing

Network Analysis Overview
Wireshark Functionality Overview
Capturing Wired and Wireless Traffic
Define Global and Personal Preferences for Faster Analysis
Defined Time Values and Interpret Summaries
Interpret Basic Trace File Statistics to Identify Trends
Create and Apply Display Filters for Efficient Analysis


Follow Streams and Reassemble Data
Use Wireshark’s Expert System to Identify Anomalies
TCP/IP Analysis Overview
Analyze Common TCP/IP Traffic Patterns


Graph I/O Rates and TCP Trends
802.11 (WLAN) Analysis Fundamentals
Voice over IP (VoIP) Analysis Fundamentals
Network Forensics Fundamentals


Detect Scanning and Discovery Processes
Analyze Suspect Traffic


Use Command‐Line Tools

Next/Related Courses:



Course Overview:

This intensive hands-on class teaches students to develop customized UNIX™ commands, read & write Bourne, Korn & Bash Shell scripts & automate critical server functions.  The course includes extensive lab exercises, including hands-on development & debugging of shell scripts, which will give students the ability to be more efficient and productive in less time. The focus of the course will be the Bash shell.

Attendees to TN-215: Shell Programming will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 days

Course Objectives:

  • Shell Review
  • Shell Interpretation of Quotes & Backslash
  • The Bash Shell
  • Shell’s combined with UNIX utilities
  • Programming Basics
  • Data Constructs
  • Programming Looping
  • Your Environment
  • More on Parameters
  • Advanced Shell Programming



Latest comments from students

User: hnzarate

Instructor comments: Very knowledgeable.

Facilities comments: This hotel needs better water.

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TechNow offers the full gamut of programming languages from ANSI C and C++ to the various Microsoft .Net languages (Visual Basic, C# and C++).  If you are completely new to programming, TechNow offers courses that demonstrate the fundamentals to get you started.

If you prefer Unix/Linux, we offer Shell Programming, as well as, Perl and Python.  We also offer courses in the web development languages, such as, Java Servlets, JSP, and ASP .Net.

The following is a list of our Programming training courses:


Course Overview:

TechNow's CISSP Certification Preparation Seminar is an accelerated course designed to meet the high demands of the information security industry by preparing students for the industry standard Certified Information Systems Security Professional exam.  The exam covers (ISC)²'s 8 Domains from the Common Body of Knowledge, which encompass the whole of information security.

This course is an intense 10 day program that ensures the student passes the CISSP exam on the first try.  We encourage our students to take the exam within a week after course completion.  The goal for this course is a pass rate of one and done.  Our high pass rate reflects the dedication of TechNow's students and our commitment to a ten day program that many in the industry do in 5 days.  TechNow has a proven CISSP track record that you can depend on.

Attendees to TN-815: CISSP Certification Preparation Seminar will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


Unix Course Flow


No Events

Duration: 10 Days

Course Objectives:

Our CISSP Professional training program covers the 8 Domains of the CBK in-depth with an emphasis on rigorous exam preparation.

  • Security and Risk Management (Security, Risk, Compliance, Law, Regulations, Business Continuity)
  • Asset Security (Protecting Security of Assets)
  • Security Engineering (Engineering and Management of Security)
  • Communications and Network Security (Designing and Protecting Network Security)
  • Identity and Access Management (Controlling Access and Managing Identity)
  • Security Assessment and Testing (Designing, Performing, and Analyzing Security Testing)
  • Security Operations (Foundational Concepts, Investigations, Incident Management, Disaster Recovery)
  • Software Development Security (Understanding, Applying, and Enforcing Software Security) 


To qualify for this CISSP training program you must first qualify for the CISSP exam, which requires:

  • 4 years of experience in the information security field
  • or 3 years experience & a college degree 

Contact TechNow to verify that you qualify.


Latest comments from students

Facilities comments:

User: pulliamp

Instructor comments:

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