Course Overview:

This course, TN-305: Designing, Implementing, Administering and Securing Wireless Local Area Networks (LANs), covers the two main objectives for those entering the wireless world, understanding the technology & addressing its security.  TN-305: Designing, Implementing, Administering and Securing Wireless Local Area Networks (LANs) takes advantage of the student’s existing expertise to provide a challenging introductory course. Covering a broad range of wireless networking topics & an introduction on how to secure a wireless LAN from hackers. To insure wireless availability you need to understand proper design choices & administration practices. To protect valuable information on your network you need to know how attacks occur & techniques used to secure your wireless network.

Attendees to TN-305: Designing, Implementing, Administering and Securing Wireless Local Area Networks (LANs) will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Radio Frequency (RF) Fundamentals
  • Spread Spectrum Technologies
  • 802.11 Network Architecture
  • Physical & MAC Layers
  • Hardware Installation, Configuration, & Management
  • Antennas & Accessories
  • Wireless Network Management
  • Troubleshooting Wireless LANs
  • Site Surveying
  • Wireless LAN Security
  • Organizations & Standards


Attendees should have network administration skills.  These skills can be obtained through TechNow’s N-205N-305: CCNA/ICND Training program or our highly respected cross platform TN-385: TCP/IP Analysis & Implementation course.


Latest comments from students


Instructor comments: The instructor was very well versed on the topic and knew how to apply it to real-life examples. He led the labs and was very excited about the topic which kept the interest of myself and other class members. Sometimes his volume level was a little high- however the room the class was in was very small. Too small for a big personality!

Facilities comments: I was unaware of the facility changes, but that was at no fault of anyone since I was a drop-in for the course. They were very helpful and quick to mediate the issue.

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Course Overview:

Learn to protect yourself and your company against hackers, by learning their tools and techniques, and then testing your network.  This course is heavily based on Kali and primarily on Metasploit.  In TN-315: Complete Hack and Defend class you will learn the step by step process that hackers use to assess your enterprise network, probe it & hack into it in mixed-platform environment including Windows, Linux, Solaris, and Cisco.  This course is 90% hacking, but  defenses for demonstrated hacks will be discussed.  If you want to know the ins and outs of the hacks presented in this course, then this is the course for you.

Attendees to TN-315: Complete Hack & Defend Class Attendees will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Introduction to Pen Testing using the PTES model
  • Metasploit Basics
    • MSFconsole, MSFcli, Armitage, MSFpayload, MSFencode, NasmShell
  • Intelligence Gathering
    • Nmap, Databases in Metasploit, Port Scanning with Metasploit
  • Quick Intro to Ruby
    • Writing a simple Ruby script to create a custom scanner
  • Vulnerability Scanning
    • Importing Nessus Results
    • Scanning with Nessus from Within Metasploit
  • Exploitation
    • Using the Metasploit Framework and console to exploit
  • Meterpreter
    • Compromising a Windows System
    • Attacking MS SQL, xp_cmdshell
    • Dumping Usernames and Passwords, extracting and dumping hashes
    • Pass the Hash and Token Impersonation
    • Pivoting
    • Railgun
    • Using Meterpreter Scripts: Migrating a process, Killing AV, Persistence
  • Avoiding Detection
    • Creating Stand-Alone Binaries with MSFpayload
    • Encoding with MSFencode and Packers (go Green Bay:)
  • Exploitation Using Client Side Attacks
    • Introduction to Immunity Debugger
    • Using Immunity Debugger to Decipher NOP Shellcode
  • Metasploit Auxiliary Modules
  • Social Engineer Toolkit (SET)
    • Spear-Phishing, Web Attack
    • Creating a Multipronged Attack
  • Creating Your Own Module
    • Adapt an existing Module
    • Add some PowerShell and Run the Exploit
  • Meterpreter Scripting
  • Capture The Flag Exercise


  • This is an advanced Information Security Course which requires basic Windows & UNIX competency
  • Certification or 2 years of experience in these operating systems is highly recommended
  • An understanding of TCP/IP


Latest comments from students

User: dhonore

Instructor comments: Dave's presentation style is engaging and lively.

Facilities comments: The room was adequate for the needs of the class.

User: phouck

Instructor comments: David was very good. Although he went very fast at times.

Facilities comments: The room was ok. it was bit dark.


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Course Overview:

Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC), is for professionals responsible for an organization's risk management program.  Students looking to acquire CRISC qualify themselves as IT security analyst, security engineer architect, information assurance program manager and senior IT auditor.  CRISC certified professionals manage risk, design and oversee response measures, monitor systems for risk, and ensure the organization's risk management strategies are met.

The CRISC exam will primarily align with the terminology and concepts described in The Risk IT Framework, The Risk IT Practioner Guide, and COBIT 5.  This will include applications in the evaluation and monitoring of IT-based risk, as well as the design and implementation of IS controls. 

The CRISC exam covers four domains that are periodically updated to reflect the changing needs of the profession:

  • Domain 1: Risk Identification 
  • Domain 2: Risk Assessment
  • Domain 3: Risk Response and Mitigation
  • Domain 4: Risk and Control Monitoring and Reporting

This course is designed to assist in your exam preparation for the CRISC exam.

Attendees to TN-835: Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) Seminar will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Risk IT Framework—Purpose and Principles
  • Essentials of Risk Governance, Evaluation, and Response
  • Risk and Opportunity Management Using CobiT, Val IT and Risk IT
  • The Risk IT Framework Process Model Overview
  • Managing Risk in Practice—The Practitioner Guide Overview
  • Overview of the Risk IT Framework Process Model 
  • The Risk IT Framework


A minimum of at least three (3) years of cumulative work experience performing the tasks of a CRISC professional across at least three (3) CRISC domains is required for certification. There are no substitutions or experience waivers.


Latest comments from students

User: tracycampbell

Instructor comments: Dave had great command of the class and the flow of information. The lessons seem relevant to the exam and the course material should assist greatly with passing. As a bonus, his breakdown of PKI helped with my current job requirements.

Facilities comments: The Home2Suites by Hilton was FANTASTIC!

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Course Overview:

This hands-on course provides a comprehensive introduction to programming logic, and builds a solid foundation of programming skills that can be used to master additional programming languages like C, C++, PERL, Java or Python. To learn programming you must focus on a particular language, and we have chosen Java.  In this course you will write and debug programs in Python. If you would like this course to use a different computer language, that can be arranged.

Attendees to PL-115: Fundamentals of Computer Programming will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Writing Simple Programs Data Types, Constants, & Variables
  • Screen Output & Keyboard Input
  • Expressions
  • Decision Making
  • Looping
  • Subroutines
  • Debugging
  • Data Collections – Arrays
  • Data Collections – Classes Working with Files


  • This course is for students starting out in programming.  No programming experience is required.



Latest comments from students

User: tsonger

Instructor comments: While I could tell the instructor was very knowledgeable, his instructions were not very clear. He could've done a better job preparing for the class.

Facilities comments: Room was fine. The location of the room could have been better as the dings from the elevator were a bit distractive.

User: TracyPaul

Instructor comments: Very knowledgeable. Diagnosed our programming problems in short order. Could go into the details of 'why', versus only the 'how'.

Facilities comments: Outstanding. The hotel staff did a great job supporting our class.


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Course Overview:

In this course students will learn to configure the Linux kernel, install & configure modules, to install and configure non-default devices and automate installation with Kickstart. Students also utilize skills developed in L-245 to expand on file system configuration with spanning devices and RAID. This is the foremost server side Linux course in the industry covering all server side components such as DHCP, Samba, NIS, LDAP, inet, telnet ftp, dns, etc.  Expanding on security introduced in L-245: Linux System Administration I, TCP wrappers, firewalling with IP filters, SQUID, & ssh are covered.

Attendees to L-295: Linux System Administration II will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Custom installation of a Linux server
  • Linux device naming conventions & the boot process
  • Adding peripheral devices
  • Reconfiguring the kernel
  • Disk partitioning & formatting
  • Changing system run levels
  • Adding startup files for additional services
  • Adding & removing software packages
  • Disk & file system Administration
  • Terminals & modem configuration
  • Configuring NFS to support the client/server environment
  • Use the automounter
  • Server side components such as DHCP, Samba, NIS, LDAP, inet, telnet, ftp, DNS, etc.
  • Troubleshooting techniques
  • Advanced Linux installation



Latest comments from students

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