Course Overview:

TN-575: Open Source Network Security Monitoring teaches students how to deploy, build, and run an NSM operation using open source software and vendor-neutral tools. No network is bullet proof and when attackers access your network, this course will show you how to build a security net to detect, contain, and control the attacker. Sensitive data can be monitored and deep packet and deep attachment analysis can be achieved. As organizations stand up a Security Operations Center (SOC) the enterprise NSM is the key ingredient to that SOC. This course not only teaches how to implement an NSM technologically, but how to effectively monitor an enterprise operationally. You will learn how to architect an NSM solution: where to deploy your NSM platforms and how to size them, stand-alone or distributed, and integration into packet analysis, interpret evidence, and integrate threat intelligence from external sources to identify sophisticated attackers. A properly implemented NSM is integral to incident response and provides the responders timely information to react to the incident. TN-575: Open Source Network Security Monitoring is a lab intensive environment with a cyber range that gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical experience monitoring live systems to include: Cisco, Windows, Linux, IoT, and Firewalls.

Attendees to TN-575: Open Source Network Security Monitoring class will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.

This Course is taught utilizing Security Onion or RockNSM as specified by the customer.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objective:

The focus of this course is to present a suite of Open Source security products integrated into a highly functional and scalable Network Security Monitoring solution.


Students should have a basic understanding of networks, TCP/IP and standard protocols such as DNS, HTTP, etc. Some Linux knowledge/experience is recommended, but not required

Course Outline:

  • Network Security Monitoring (NSM) Methodology
  • High Bandwidth Packet Capture Challenges
  • Installation of Security Onion
    • Use Cases (analysis, lab, stand-alone, distributed)
    • Resource Requirements
  • Configuration
    • Setup Phase I – Network Configuration
    • Setup Phase 2 – Service Configuration
    • Evaluation Mode vs. Configuration Mode
    • Verifying Services
  • Security Onion Architecture
    • Configuration Files and Folders
    • Network Interfaces
    • Docker Environment
    • Security Onion Containers
  • Overview of Security Onion Analyst Tools
    • Kibana
    • CapME
    • CyberChef
    • Squert
    • Sguil
    • NetworkMiner
  • Quick Review of Wireshark and Packet Analysis
    • Display and Capture Filters
    • Analyze and Statistics Menu Options
    • Analysis for Signatures
  • Analyzing Alerts
    • Replaying Traffic
    • 3 Primary Interfaces:
      • Squert
      • Sguil
      • Kibana
    • Pivoting Between Interfaces
    • Pivoting to Full Packet Capture
  • Snort and Surricata
    • Rule Syntax and Construction
    • Implementing Custom Rules
    • Implementing Whitelists and Blacklists
  • Hunting
    • Using Kibana to Slice and Dice Logs
    • Hunting Workflow with Kibana
  • Bro
    • Introduction and Overview
      • Architecture, Commands
    • Understanding and Examining Bro Logs
      • Using AWK, sort, uniq, and bro-cut
    • Working with traces/PCAPs
    • Bro Scripts Overview
      • Loading and Using Scripts
    • Bro Frameworks Overview
      • Bro File Analysis Framework FAF
    • Using Bro scripts to carve out more than files
  • RockNSM ( * If Applicable)
    •  Kafka
      • Installation and Configuration
      • Kafka Messaging
      • Brokers
      • Integration with Bro and FSF
    • File Scanning Framework FSF
      • Custom YARA Signatures
      • JSON Trees
      • Sub-Object Recursion
      • Bro and Suricata Integration
  • Elastic Stack
    • Adding new data sources in Logstash
    • Enriching data with Logstash
    • Automating with Elastalert
    • Building new Kibana dashboards
  • Production Deployment
    • Advanced Setup
    • Master vs Sensor
    • Node Types – Master, Forward, Heavy, Storage
    • Command Line Setup with sosetup.conf
    • Architectural Recommendations
    • Sensor Placement
    • Hardening
    • Administration
    • Maintenance
  • Tuning
    • Using PulledPork to Disable Rules
    • BPF’s to Filter Traffic
    • Spinning up Additional Snort / Suricata / Bro Workers to Handle Higher Traffic Loads


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Course Overview:

TN-542: Establishing a Security Operations Center (SOC) People, Processes, and Technologies is the big picture overview of a SOC, other courses provide a deep dive into the technologies that a SOC may utilize. This course addresses the internal workings of staff, skills required, required authorizations, internal agreements, and setting appropriate expectation levels of a SOC within budget constraints. A SOC is not a one size fits all, the instructor has decades of security experience and brings to the table opportunities to discuss what can work within constraints. Many organizations are coming to the realization that some level of a SOC is now required and to learn just what decisions need to be made: Out-sourced, In-sourced, budgets, capabilities and many more. Students leave with a worksheet of how to progress when they get back to their organization.

TN-542: Establishing a Security Operations Center (SOC) People, Processes, and Technologies – Is a course that incorporates lecture, demos, and group exercises for standing up a Security Operations Center (SOC). Students learn strategies and resources required to deploy, build, and run Network Security Monitoring (NSM) and work roles and flows for a SOC. No network is bullet proof and when attackers access your network, this course will show you options and resources to build a security net to detect, contain, and control the attacker. Examples on what it takes to architect an NSM solution to identify sophisticated attackers and a response strategy. Properly implemented detection and response technologies is integral to incident response and provides the responders timely information and tools to react to the incident. Effective demonstrations are given of Open Source technologies that build up a SOC, but any software can be used and demonstrations are provided to demonstrate technology families not push a specific solution.

TN-542: Establishing a Security Operations Center (SOC) People, Processes, and Technologies demonstrations utilize a cyber range that gives each student in-depth knowledge of monitoring live systems to include: Cisco, Windows, Linux, IoT, and Firewalls; and software and services to provide orchestrate Incident Response, Intelligence Analysis, and Hunt Operations.

Attendees to TN-542: Establishing a Security Operations Center (SOC) People, Processes, and Technologies class will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 2 Days

Course Objective:

    • To provide management an overview of what it takes to stand up a SOC.


  • Students should have an understanding of the security field.

Course Outline:

  • What threats does my organization care about?
  • What does a threat look like?
  • What does a threat look like?
  • How to present the SOC internally.
  • Communication with Stakeholders and Executives
  • Leveraging and integrating existing security measures
  • People
    • Establishing a skill matrix and work roles for SOC members
    • Establishing a training path
    • Personnel background requirementsProcesses
  • Processes
    • Alignment to standards: NIST, PCI, HIPAA, etc.
    • Risk related decision trees
    • Playbooks
    • Threat Intelligence Integration
  • Technology – Tool Suites to Support:
    • Ethical Hacking
    • Network Security Monitoring and SIEM
    • Forensics
    • Dashboards
    • Analysis and Hunting
    • Incident Management and Ticketing



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Course Overview:

A skills focus enables the student to better absorb the subject matter and perform successfully on the exam.   This is not death by power point. The course is aligned with information assurance operators and executing hands-on labs. Lecture and labs walk the student through the knowledge required to truly understand the mechanics of the attacks and the effectiveness.  Students then gain network experience and use sniffing to help exemplify the benefit of learning wired and wireless security configurations. The course concludes with exercising real attack strategies to demonstrate the techniques acquired throughout the course.

Attendees to TN-939:  Hacker Techniques, Exploits, and Incident Handling will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 9 days

Course Objectives:

  • Backdoors & Trojan Horses
  • Buffer Overflows
  • Covering Tracks: Networks
  • Covering Tracks: Systems
  • Denial of Service Attacks
  • Exploiting Systems Using Netcat
  • Format String Attacks
  • Incident Handling Overview and Preparation
  • Incident Handling Phase 2: Identification
  • Incident Handling Phase 3: Containment
  • Incident Handling: Recovering and Improving Capabilities
  • IP Address Spoofing
  • Network Sniffing
  • Password Attacks
  • Reconnaissance
  • Rootkits
  • Scanning: Host Discovery
  • Scanning: Network and Application Vulnerability scanning and tools
  • Scanning: Network Devices (Firewall rules determination, fragmentation, and IDS/IPS evasion)
  • Scanning: Service Discovery
  • Session Hijacking, Tools and Defenses
  • Types of Incidents
  • Virtual Machine Attacks
  • Web Application Attacks
  • Worms, Bots & Bot-Nets


  • GSEC or equivalent experience
  • UNIX, Windows, Networking, and Security Experience
  • This is a hands-on skill course requiring comfort with command line interaction and network communications


Latest comments from students

User: m_jurrens

Instructor comments: Both instructors Mr. Askey and Mr. Hackney, were very good. the open learning environment was extremely productive and I felt we all learned far more that we ever would out of a structured rote memorization course.

User: natebonds

Instructor comments: Both Mr. Askey and Hackney were extremely knowledgeable. They were also extremely interested in helping each student learn. I was particularly impressed with the way they tailored the course to optimize our time since we weren't testing. I feel like I know much much more than I did when the class started.

Facilities comments: The facilities were fine. I would have preferred it be closer to Lackland.

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Course Overview:

This course is very hands-on with respect to SP 800-53 controls as related to ICD-503, leveraging experience with DCD 6/3, and incorporating a broad array of technologies found in the field.  Assessors and Auditors have to face many technologies that are not part of the main stream.  TechNow has gone to great efforts to build a very broad, comprehensive, and complex lab to simulate many scenarios and architectures.  Technologies such as a network appliance that is not a typical infrastructure product, a radio/satellite communications device, or many other technologies that build up a weapon system.  Students learn how controls are integrated into many different devices and how they fit in the overall security architecture of monitoring, reporting, and compliance testing.

Directly discussed are overlays for different requirements i.e.: tactical, medical, network type: JWICS, SIPR; IC or AF.  TechNow has developed a funnel concept to overlays to exemplify the encapsulation of a control within different requirements.  TechNow has over 15 years experience in Trusted Solaris/Trusted Extensions and labeled security.  Cross Domain overlays are presented that fits the work flow of an assesor.  PII overlays and any overlays that an organization uses and can be made available are also presented.  

This course allows the student to leverage years of experience in DoD DCD 6/34 for transition to the Risk Management Framework (RMF) applied to the Intelligence Community as mandated by ICD 503.  Utilizing NIST SP 800-37 to establish a baseline of RMF knowledge, the student learns how to integrate the NIST pubs to provide cohesive information assurance architectures and compliance.  ICD 503 scorecard evaluations are integral in demonstrating a successful ICD 503 compliance program.  TechNow's ICD 503 course provides students with the skill to assess security programs and evaluate ICD 503 compliance to build an improvement and sustainable program for score consistency.  TechNow's instructors have unparralleled expertise in federal compliance initiatives, and we bring this expertise instructing students on the complete life cycle of RMF.

More than a simple checklist, we instruct students not only how to validate essential security controls, programs, and metrics, but that they are operating effectively.  The student leaves the course knowing how to: identify gaps where controls, programs, or metrics are incomplete, missing or ineffective, and provide actionable findings and recommend remediation strategies.  Students learn to internalize NIST pubs to meaningul and effective IA guidelines and work with the Body of Evidence templates which include: Risk Assessment Report (RAR), Systems Security Plan (SSP), Security Assessment Report (SAR), and Plans of Action and Milestone (POAM).

TechNow training materials are aligned with the most recent set of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS), and Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) policies standards, processes, policies and instructions to be addressed/explained include ICD 503, ICS 503-1, ICS 500-16, ICS 500-18, ICS 500-27, ICD 502, NIST SP 800-37, NIST SP 800-30, NIST SP 800-53, NIST SP 800-53A, NIST SP 800-137, NIST SP 800-47, CNSSP 22, CNSSI 1253, and CNSSI 4009.

A majority of time is spent on in-depth compliance review of NIST SP 800-53 controls.  Instruction discusses which method should be used to test and validate each security control and what evidence should be gathered.  This course is not theory or death by power point.  Real scenarios are presented as exercises.  A complete live cyber range simulating the IC is utilized for hands-on labs for techniques of validating and documenting compliance of NIST SP 800-53 controls as related to ICD 503.


No Events

Duration: 5 days

Course Objectives:

  • Establish a baseline of RMF knowledge
  • Validate essential security controls, programs, and metrics
  • DoD DCD 6/3 to ICD 503 Transition
  • Lab Environtment and the Cyber Range
  • Overlays: Tactical, Medical, Network type(JWICS, SIPR; IC or AF), Cross Domain, PII
  • Risk Assessment Report (RAR)
  • Systems Security Plan (SSP)
  • Security Assessment Report (SAR)
  • Plans of Action and Milestone (POAM)


Experience in the field of auditing and assesments.


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Tech Now is pleased to have the opportunity to provide you training for "Windows Security Automation and Threat Hunting with PowerShell” at CheddarCon 2018!

Scroll down to see the course description.

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Windows Security Automation and Threat Hunting with PowerShell Seminar

Location: 400 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53203, USA

Date: October 10, 2018 8:00am – 4:00pm

Duration: 8 hours

Audience: Cyber Security professionals and Windows administrators

Attendees Environment: Laptops not required, but suggested to have better hands-on absorption of subject matter.

PowerShell is both a command-line shell and scripting language. Fight fires quickly using existing or custom PowerShell commands or scripts at the shell. PowerShell is made for Security Operations (SecOps) automation on Windows. This seminar does not require prior programming skills. The seminar focuses on PowerShell programming, giving a beginner skills to be productive in windows scripting to automate tasks and also remediate problems.

Cyber Security is the objective of this seminar, and the PowerShell examples will demonstrate PowerShell capabilities that help lock down a Windows system and also report security status.


PowerShell Overview

  • Getting started running commands
  • Security cmdlets
  • Using and updating the built-in help
  • Execution policies
  • Fun tricks with the ISE graphical editor
  • Piping .NET and COM objects, not text
  • Using properties and methods of objects
  • Helping Linux admins feel more at home
  • Aliases, cmdlets, functions, modules, etc.

PowerShell Utilities and Tips

  • Customizing your profile script
  • PowerShell remote command execution
  • Security setting across the network
  • File copy via PowerShell remoting
  • Capturing the output of commands
  • Parsing text files and logs with regex patterns
  • Parsing Security Logs
  • Searching remote event logs
  • Mounting the registry as a drive
  • Security settings in the Registry
  • Exporting data to CSV, HTML and JSON files
  • Running scripts as scheduled jobs
  • Continued Security Compliance
  • Pushing out scripts through Group Policy
  • Importing modules and dot-sourcing functions

PowerShell Scripting

  • PowerShell Scripting to implement Security Practices
  • Writing your own functions to automate security status and settings
  • Passing arguments into your scripts
  • Function parameters and returning output
  • Flow control: if-then, foreach, that make security decisions
  • How to pipe data in/out of your scripts for security compliance and reporting

Attendees to this seminar, Windows Security Automation and Threat Hunting with PowerShell, will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.[/wr_text][/wr_column][/wr_row]