Course Overview:

The course teaches students to use the sort, grep, sed, & awk utilities within Unix. Systems administrators, Unix users, & programmers benefit from the course showing them how to use the command line applications of sort, grep, sed, & awk commands as well as using sed & awk scripts that develop the users skills with the full power of these utilities.

Attendees to TN-223: Advanced Shell Programming will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 3 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Sorting files by line or field
  • Regular Expressions (meta character) with grep commands to locate specific lines in files
  • Performing non-interactive editing tasks with the sed command
  • Writing simple sed scripts to perform complex editing tasks
  • Using awk variables & arrays to sort data
  • Employing awk programs to manipulate numeric & textual data
  • Performing formatted printing in awk
  • Writing simple awk programs to write reports from data files
  • Using built-in awk functions & defining new functions
  • Write awk programs that make decisions based on numeric or string comparisons (branches & loops)
  • Grep, egrep extended metacharacters, combinations-lab advanced combinations- lab Sed
  • Basic commands- Lab, Advanced commands- Lab, Advanced scripting -Lab
  • Miscellaneous commands Tr, sort, cut, paste, pr -Lab


  • TN-125: Introduction to UNIX & Linux
  • TN 215: Shell Programming.
  • Students should have a basic knowledge of UNIX commands including rm, cp, man, cat, & mkdir. Navigating directory structure using commands such as ls, cp, & pwd. Creating and editing files with the vi editor or text editor. Use of basic programming constructs, & commands such as variables & loops & how to write a simple program in a programming language.


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Course Overview:

This CEH course will immerse you into a “Hacker Mindset” in order to teach you how to think like a hacker and better defend against future attacks. Students are in the driver’s seat with a hands-on training environment employing a systematic ethical hacking process. All while teaching students how to scan, test, hack, and secure target systems. CEH shows how hackers think and act maliciously so you can learn to better position your organization’s security infrastructure and defend against future attacks.

This CEH course covers the Five Phases of Ethical Hacking, diving into Reconnaissance, Gaining Access, Enumeration, Maintaining Access, and covering your tracks.

This CEH course delivers in-demand ethical hacking skills while preparing you for the internationally-recognized Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification exam  from EC-Council.

This course supports a certification that is DoD approved 8570 Baseline Certificate and meets DoD 8140/8570 training requirements.

What’s Included:

  • EC-Council official E-Courseware
  • EC-Council official iLabs code with access for 6 months
  • EC-Council official Certificate of Attendance
  • CEH Exam Voucher


Security Course Flow
Document Flow Chart iconsm


Date/Time Event
05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025
08:00 -16:00
TN-555: Certified Ethical Hacker v13 (CEH)
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX
08/11/2025 - 08/15/2025
08:00 -16:00
TN-555: Certified Ethical Hacker v13 (CEH)
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX
11/17/2025 - 11/21/2025
08:00 -16:00
TN-555: Certified Ethical Hacker v13 (CEH)
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX

Duration: 5 Days

Course Content:

  • Module 01. Introduction to Ethical Hacking
  • Module 02. Foot-printing and Reconnaissance
  • Module 03. Scanning Networks
  • Module 04. Enumeration
  • Module 05. Vulnerable Analysis
  • Module 06. System Hacking
  • Module 07. Malware Threats
  • Module 08. Sniffing
  • Module 09. Social Engineering
  • Module 10. Denial-of-Service
  • Module 11. Session Hijacking
  • Module 12. Evading IDS,Firewalls, and Honeypots
  • Module 13. Hacking Web Servers
  • Module 14. Hacking Web Applications
  • Module 15. SQL Injection
  • Module 16. Hacking Wireless Networks
  • Module 17. Hacking Mobile Platforms
  • Module 18. IoT and OT Hacking
  • Module 19. Cloud Computing
  • Module 20. Cryptography



  • Windows operating system and/or Linux operating system or other Unix-based OS
  • TCP/IP protocols and implementation
  • At least 2 years of IT security experience
  • TN-325:Security+

Target Audience:

Information Security Analyst/Administrator, Information Assurance (IA) Security Officer, Information Security Manager/Specialist, Auditors, Security Professional, Site Admins, Penetration Testers, Red Team,Risk/Threat/Vulnerability Analyst, Individuals concerned about the integrity of network infrastructure


About us:

TechNow has taught security courses for almost 30 years, before most certifications existed and has successfully moved students through certification programs associated with IAPP, SANS, EC-Council and ISC2. Our instructor maintains over a dozen security certifications and has been the director of a company with internationals sales in security training, consulting, and compliance.

Tech Now, Inc. is an accredited Training Center with Ec-Council.


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Course Overview:

This course delivers the technical knowledge, insight, and hands-on training to receive in-depth knowledge on Wireshark® and TCP/IP communications analysis. You will learn to use Wireshark to identify the most common causes of performance problems in TCP/IP communications. You will learn about the underlying theory of TCP/IP and the most used application protocols, so that you can intelligently examine network traffic for performance issues or possible Indicators of Compromise (IoC).

Duration: 5 Days


Anyone interested in learning to troubleshoot and optimize TCP/IP networks and analyze network traffic with Wireshark, especially network engineers, information technology specialists, and security analysts.

Course Prerequisites:

We recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisite:
• Network+

Dates/Locations: No Events

Course Outline:


Course Set Up and Analyzer Testing

Network Analysis Overview
Wireshark Functionality Overview
Capturing Wired and Wireless Traffic
Define Global and Personal Preferences for Faster Analysis
Defined Time Values and Interpret Summaries
Interpret Basic Trace File Statistics to Identify Trends
Create and Apply Display Filters for Efficient Analysis


Follow Streams and Reassemble Data
Use Wireshark’s Expert System to Identify Anomalies
TCP/IP Analysis Overview
Analyze Common TCP/IP Traffic Patterns


Graph I/O Rates and TCP Trends
802.11 (WLAN) Analysis Fundamentals
Voice over IP (VoIP) Analysis Fundamentals
Network Forensics Fundamentals


Detect Scanning and Discovery Processes
Analyze Suspect Traffic


Use Command‐Line Tools

Next/Related Courses:




Course Overview:

This hands-on course provides a comprehensive introduction to programming logic, and builds a solid foundation of programming skills that can be used to master additional programming languages like C, C++, PERL, Java or Python. To learn programming you must focus on a particular language, and we have chosen Java.  In this course you will write and debug programs in Python. If you would like this course to use a different computer language, that can be arranged.

Attendees to PL-115: Fundamentals of Computer Programming will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Writing Simple Programs Data Types, Constants, & Variables
  • Screen Output & Keyboard Input
  • Expressions
  • Decision Making
  • Looping
  • Subroutines
  • Debugging
  • Data Collections – Arrays
  • Data Collections – Classes Working with Files


  • This course is for students starting out in programming.  No programming experience is required.



Latest comments from students

User: tsonger

Instructor comments: While I could tell the instructor was very knowledgeable, his instructions were not very clear. He could've done a better job preparing for the class.

Facilities comments: Room was fine. The location of the room could have been better as the dings from the elevator were a bit distractive.

User: TracyPaul

Instructor comments: Very knowledgeable. Diagnosed our programming problems in short order. Could go into the details of 'why', versus only the 'how'.

Facilities comments: Outstanding. The hotel staff did a great job supporting our class.


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Course Overview:

This course will provide students with proficiency in the everyday management of Linux based clients and basic management of server system. Students will learn the knowledge and tools necessary to manage Linux systems from the command line, as well as how to manage user administration, file permissions, software configurations, and Linux based clients, server systems and security.  Let us help you prepare for the CompTIA Linux+ exam (XK0-005).

TechNow is a CompTIA partner and uses official CompTIA Linux+ curriculum.

Attendees to CT-245: Linux+ will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


Date/Time Event
05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025
08:00 -16:00
CT-245: Linux+
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX
08/25/2025 - 08/29/2025
08:00 -16:00
CT-245: Linux+
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX
12/01/2025 - 12/05/2025
08:00 -16:00
CT-245: Linux+
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Perform basic Linux tasks
  • Manage users and groups
  • Manage permissions and ownership
  • Manage storage
  • Manage files and directories
  • Manage kernel modules
  • Manage the Linux boot process
  • Manage system components
  • Manage devices
  • Manage networking
  • Manage packages and software
  • Secure Linux systems
  • Write and execute Bash shell scripts
  • Automate tasks
  • Plan and perform a Linux installation




Latest comments from students

User: cwbrind

Instructor comments: Great experience with Mr. Peterson, would recommend again. Highly knowledgable and approachable for any subject.

Facilities comments: The Holiday Inn was a nice location for learning despite traffic around the area.

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