Course Overview:

The introduction to SQL Databases training course is designed to train the learners on the fundamentals of database concepts. You will not only learn about the different types of databases, the languages and designs as well as describe important database concepts using SQL Server 2016. Anyone who is moving into a database role will benefit from taking this course.


Attendees to MS-5002: Introduction to SQL Databases will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Course Duration: 2 days



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Course Overview:

The course teaches students to use the sort, grep, sed, & awk utilities within Unix. Systems administrators, Unix users, & programmers benefit from the course showing them how to use the command line applications of sort, grep, sed, & awk commands as well as using sed & awk scripts that develop the users skills with the full power of these utilities.

Attendees to TN-223: Advanced Shell Programming will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 3 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Sorting files by line or field
  • Regular Expressions (meta character) with grep commands to locate specific lines in files
  • Performing non-interactive editing tasks with the sed command
  • Writing simple sed scripts to perform complex editing tasks
  • Using awk variables & arrays to sort data
  • Employing awk programs to manipulate numeric & textual data
  • Performing formatted printing in awk
  • Writing simple awk programs to write reports from data files
  • Using built-in awk functions & defining new functions
  • Write awk programs that make decisions based on numeric or string comparisons (branches & loops)
  • Grep, egrep extended metacharacters, combinations-lab advanced combinations- lab Sed
  • Basic commands- Lab, Advanced commands- Lab, Advanced scripting -Lab
  • Miscellaneous commands Tr, sort, cut, paste, pr -Lab


  • TN-125: Introduction to UNIX & Linux
  • TN 215: Shell Programming.
  • Students should have a basic knowledge of UNIX commands including rm, cp, man, cat, & mkdir. Navigating directory structure using commands such as ls, cp, & pwd. Creating and editing files with the vi editor or text editor. Use of basic programming constructs, & commands such as variables & loops & how to write a simple program in a programming language.


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Course Overview:

C-225: C++ Object Oriented Programming is a hands-on course that provides a complete introduction to the ANSI Standard C++ programming language, focusing on quickly developing the practical skills needed to create real-world solutions.  Our hands-on labs are designed to promote retention and challenge students to apply their skills to new situations.

C++ is more than just C with classes.  It is a whole new language with a structure similar to C, but with significant differences to warrant a complete course to cover its features.

Attendees to C-225: C++ Oriented Programming will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Classes
  • Casting in C++
  • Constructors & Destructors
  • Class Methods & Data
  • Inheritance
  • Overloaded Functions
  • Virtual Functions
  • Overloaded Operators
  • Pure Virtual Functions
  • Exception Handling
  • References & Constants
  • Standard Template Library
  • New and Delete
  • STL Containers




Latest comments from students

User: christinehejnal

Instructor comments: The material was made clear, however I don't agree that she shouldn't have catered towards the people not taking the exam.

Facilities comments: The facilities were cold and very noisy, I found it hard to concentrate.

User: mamacker1

Instructor comments: Informative instructor. Definitely not monotone. I'd recommend it to my sister if I had one.

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Course Overview:

CT-205: A+ Certification Course provides students with the skills, knowledge and understanding that will enable them to install, configure, upgrade, troubleshoot and repair personal computer systems.  The A+ curriculum is excellent preparation for almost any computer related career or position.  This course lays the foundation for further study in networking and programming.  Designed for the new computer professional who has support knowledge of PC hardware, but needs to expand upon that knowledge.

Attendees to CT-205: A+ Certification Course will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Identifying, Adding & Removing System Components
  • Installation, Configuring & System Optimization
  • Diagnosing & Troubleshooting Problems
  • Power Protection & Safety Procedures
  • Motherboards, Processors & Memory
  • Printers
  • Basic Networking
  • Operating System Fundamentals
  • Installation, Configuration & Upgrade
  • Diagnosing & Troubleshooting
  • Networks


  • None


Latest comments from students

User: whiggins29

Instructor comments: Very knowledgeable, very engaging.

User: jstuke12

Instructor comments: Instructor was wonderful, Tim explained all questions fully and was a pleasure to learn from.

Facilities comments: Facilities were outstanding.

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Course Overview:

PERL programmers need a clear roadmap for improving their skills. Intermediate PERL teaches a working knowledge of PERL's objects, references, and modules — all of which makes the language so versatile and effective. This class offers a thorough introduction to intermediate programming in PERL. Topics include packages and namespaces, references and scoping, manipulating complex data structures, writing and using modules, package implementation, and using CPAN.

Attendees to P-315: Intermediate PERL Programming will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Packages and namespaces
  • References and scoping
  • Manipulating complex data structures
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Writing and using modules
  • Testing PERL code
  • Contributing to CPAN




Latest comments from students

User: J Masters

Instructor comments: Instructor kept it interesting and brought a wealth of knowledge to the classroom environment. Kept a good pace and provided relevant examples.


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