Course Overview:

ITIL Version 4 is divided into 5 areas: Continual Service Improvement; Service Strategy; Service Design; Service Transition; and Service Operation.  These 5 areas support the overall focus of ITIL’s service management through the Service Life cycle.  IT-113: IT Infrastructure LIbrary (ITIL)- Foundations Course provides a detailed introduction of terms, definitions, benefits, and relationships of the following function and processes as well as roles and responsibilities that supports them.

Attendees to IT-113: IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) – Foundations Course will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


Date/Time Event
04/22/2025 - 04/25/2025
08:00 -16:00
IT-113: IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) v4 – Foundations Course
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX
08/04/2025 - 08/08/2025
08:00 -16:00
IT-113: IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) v4 – Foundations Course
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX
12/08/2025 - 12/11/2025
08:00 -16:00
IT-113: IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) v4 – Foundations Course
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX

Duration: 3 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Service Desk
  • Incident Management
  • Problem Management
  • Configuration Management
  • Financial Management for IT
  • IT Service Continuity Management
  • Service Level Management
  • Change Management
  • Release Management
  • Capacity Management
  • Availability Management


  • Students should have some experience with the specification, development, installation and/or management of information technology.


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Course Overview:

This course engages students by providing in-depth knowledge of the most prominent and powerful attack vectors and an environment to perform these attacks in numerous hands-on scenarios. This course goes far beyond simple scanning for low-hanging fruit, and shows penetration testers how to model the abilities of an advanced attacker to find significant flaws in a target environment and demonstrate the business risk associated with these flaws.

Attendees to TN-919:Penetration Tester course will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Course Duration: 5 days

Course Objectives:

  • Advanced Hash Manipulation
  • Command Shell vs. Terminal Access
  • Enumerating Users
  • Exploitation Fundamentals
  • Injection Attacks
  • Legal Issues
  • Metasploit
  • Moving Files with Exploits
  • Obtaining and Passing Password Representations
  • Overview of Passwords
  • Penetration Testing Foundations
  • Penetration Testing Process
  • Penetration Testing via the Command Line
  • Profiling the Target
  • Reconnaissance
  • Scanning for Targets
  • Using a Proxy to Attack a Web Application
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Wireless Crypto and Client Attacks
  • Wireless Fundamentals

Course Prerequisites:

  • GSEC or equivalent experience
  • UNIX, Windows, networking, and security experience
  • This is a hands-on skill course requiring comfort with command line interaction and network communications


Latest comments from students

User: kdwagoner

Instructor comments: Very knowledgeable. Kept class focused and on task

Facilities comments: Good

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Course Overview:

This course covers the knowledge and skills required to understand standard Cloud terminologies/methodologies, to implement, maintain, and deliver cloud technologies and infrastructures (e.g. server, network, storage, and virtualization technologies), and to understand aspects of IT security and use of industry best practices related to cloud implementations and the application of virtualization.

TechNow has worked worldwide enterprise infrastructures for over 20 years and has developed demos and labs to exemplify the techniques required to demonstrate cloud technologies and to effectively manage security in the cloud environment.

TechNow is a CompTIA partner and uses official CompTIA Cloud+ curriculum.

Attendees to CT-215: Cloud+ will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


Date/Time Event
04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025
08:00 -16:00
CT-215: Cloud+
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX
07/28/2025 - 08/01/2025
08:00 -16:00
CT-215: Cloud+
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX
11/03/2025 - 11/07/2025
08:00 -16:00
CT-215: Cloud+
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX

Course Duration: 5 days

Course Objectives:

  • Prepare to deploy cloud solutions
  • Deploy a pilot project
  • Test a pilot project deployment
  • Design a secure network for cloud deployment
  • Determine CPU and memory sizing for cloud deployments
  • Plan Identity and Access Management for cloud deployments
  • Analyze workload characteristics to ensure successful migration to the cloud
  • Secure systems to meet access requirements
  • Maintain cloud systems
  • Implement backup, restore, and business continuity measures
  • Analyze cloud systems for required performance
  • Analyze cloud systems for anomalies and growth forecasting
  • Troubleshoot deployment, capacity, automation, and orchestration issues
  • Troubleshoot connectivity issues
  • Troubleshoot security issues

Course Prerequisites:

  • Security+, Network+, CASP or equivalent experience
  • Managing or administering at least one of UNIX, Windows, Databases, networking, or security


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Course Overview:

A skills focus enables the student to better absorb the subject matter and perform successfully on the exam.   This is not death by power point. The course is aligned with information assurance operators and executing hands-on labs. Lecture and labs walk the student through the knowledge required to truly understand the mechanics of the attacks and the effectiveness.  Students then gain network experience and use sniffing to help exemplify the benefit of learning wired and wireless security configurations. The course concludes with exercising real attack strategies to demonstrate the techniques acquired throughout the course.

Attendees to TN-939:  Hacker Techniques, Exploits, and Incident Handling will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 9 days

Course Objectives:

  • Backdoors & Trojan Horses
  • Buffer Overflows
  • Covering Tracks: Networks
  • Covering Tracks: Systems
  • Denial of Service Attacks
  • Exploiting Systems Using Netcat
  • Format String Attacks
  • Incident Handling Overview and Preparation
  • Incident Handling Phase 2: Identification
  • Incident Handling Phase 3: Containment
  • Incident Handling: Recovering and Improving Capabilities
  • IP Address Spoofing
  • Network Sniffing
  • Password Attacks
  • Reconnaissance
  • Rootkits
  • Scanning: Host Discovery
  • Scanning: Network and Application Vulnerability scanning and tools
  • Scanning: Network Devices (Firewall rules determination, fragmentation, and IDS/IPS evasion)
  • Scanning: Service Discovery
  • Session Hijacking, Tools and Defenses
  • Types of Incidents
  • Virtual Machine Attacks
  • Web Application Attacks
  • Worms, Bots & Bot-Nets


  • GSEC or equivalent experience
  • UNIX, Windows, Networking, and Security Experience
  • This is a hands-on skill course requiring comfort with command line interaction and network communications


Latest comments from students

User: m_jurrens

Instructor comments: Both instructors Mr. Askey and Mr. Hackney, were very good. the open learning environment was extremely productive and I felt we all learned far more that we ever would out of a structured rote memorization course.

User: natebonds

Instructor comments: Both Mr. Askey and Hackney were extremely knowledgeable. They were also extremely interested in helping each student learn. I was particularly impressed with the way they tailored the course to optimize our time since we weren't testing. I feel like I know much much more than I did when the class started.

Facilities comments: The facilities were fine. I would have preferred it be closer to Lackland.

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Course Overview:

This hands-on course provides a comprehensive introduction to programming logic, and builds a solid foundation of programming skills that can be used to master additional programming languages like C, C++, PERL, Java or Python. To learn programming you must focus on a particular language, and we have chosen Java.  In this course you will write and debug programs in Python. If you would like this course to use a different computer language, that can be arranged.

Attendees to PL-115: Fundamentals of Computer Programming will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Writing Simple Programs Data Types, Constants, & Variables
  • Screen Output & Keyboard Input
  • Expressions
  • Decision Making
  • Looping
  • Subroutines
  • Debugging
  • Data Collections – Arrays
  • Data Collections – Classes Working with Files


  • This course is for students starting out in programming.  No programming experience is required.



Latest comments from students

User: tsonger

Instructor comments: While I could tell the instructor was very knowledgeable, his instructions were not very clear. He could've done a better job preparing for the class.

Facilities comments: Room was fine. The location of the room could have been better as the dings from the elevator were a bit distractive.

User: TracyPaul

Instructor comments: Very knowledgeable. Diagnosed our programming problems in short order. Could go into the details of 'why', versus only the 'how'.

Facilities comments: Outstanding. The hotel staff did a great job supporting our class.


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