Course Overview:

This course covers the key elements required to understand and apply business analysis techniques in an IT-centric business environment.  It identifies key best practices to deal with the challenges of eliciting, analyzing, and specifying project requirements.  The key material in each section of this course is reinforced with a student driven lab scenario allowing each participant hands-on practice with the key business analysis concepts that are introduced in this course. At the end of the focused sections on business analysis techniques, the students will engage in a student-driven business analysis case study blending all the learned techniques into a finished product. This course is approximately 60% lecture and  40% lab time.

Attendees to TN-512: Essential Business Analysis Course will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Overview of Business Analysis Workshop
  • Eliciting Project Workshop
  • Case Study
  • Analyzing Requirements and Writing Case Studies
  • Case Study


  • None



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Course Overview:

C-225: C++ Object Oriented Programming is a hands-on course that provides a complete introduction to the ANSI Standard C++ programming language, focusing on quickly developing the practical skills needed to create real-world solutions.  Our hands-on labs are designed to promote retention and challenge students to apply their skills to new situations.

C++ is more than just C with classes.  It is a whole new language with a structure similar to C, but with significant differences to warrant a complete course to cover its features.

Attendees to C-225: C++ Oriented Programming will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Classes
  • Casting in C++
  • Constructors & Destructors
  • Class Methods & Data
  • Inheritance
  • Overloaded Functions
  • Virtual Functions
  • Overloaded Operators
  • Pure Virtual Functions
  • Exception Handling
  • References & Constants
  • Standard Template Library
  • New and Delete
  • STL Containers




Latest comments from students

User: christinehejnal

Instructor comments: The material was made clear, however I don't agree that she shouldn't have catered towards the people not taking the exam.

Facilities comments: The facilities were cold and very noisy, I found it hard to concentrate.

User: mamacker1

Instructor comments: Informative instructor. Definitely not monotone. I'd recommend it to my sister if I had one.

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Course Overview:

The introduction to SQL Databases training course is designed to train the learners on the fundamentals of database concepts. You will not only learn about the different types of databases, the languages and designs as well as describe important database concepts using SQL Server 2016. Anyone who is moving into a database role will benefit from taking this course.


Attendees to MS-5002: Introduction to SQL Databases will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Course Duration: 2 days



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Course Overview:

This intensive hands-on class teaches students to develop customized UNIX™ commands, read & write Bourne, Korn & Bash Shell scripts & automate critical server functions.  The course includes extensive lab exercises, including hands-on development & debugging of shell scripts, which will give students the ability to be more efficient and productive in less time. The focus of the course will be the Bash shell.

Attendees to TN-215: Shell Programming will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 days

Course Objectives:

  • Shell Review
  • Shell Interpretation of Quotes & Backslash
  • The Bash Shell
  • Shell’s combined with UNIX utilities
  • Programming Basics
  • Data Constructs
  • Programming Looping
  • Your Environment
  • More on Parameters
  • Advanced Shell Programming



Latest comments from students

User: hnzarate

Instructor comments: Very knowledgeable.

Facilities comments: This hotel needs better water.

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Course Overview:

Through hands-on labs, you will learn to automate system administration tasks on managed hosts with Ansible, learn how to write Ansible playbooks to standardize task execution, and manage encryption for Ansible with Ansible Vault. This course will also teach you how to deploy and use Red Hat® Ansible Tower to centrally manage existing Ansible projects, playbooks, and roles; perform basic maintenance and administration of the Ansible Tower installation; and configure users and teams and use them to control access to systems, projects, and other resources through role-based access controls. You will learn to use Ansible Tower’s visual dashboard to launch, control, and monitor Ansible jobs; use the Ansible Tower application programming interface (API) to launch jobs from existing templates; automatically schedule Ansible jobs; and dynamically update host inventories.

Course Objectives:

  • Install and troubleshoot Ansible on central nodes and managed hosts
  • Automate administration tasks with Ansible playbooks and ad hoc commands
  • Write effective Ansible playbooks
  • Protect sensitive data used by tasks with Ansible Vault.
  • Install and configure Ansible Tower for enterprise Ansible management
  • Use Ansible Tower to control access to inventories and machine credentials by users and teams
  • Create job templates in Ansible Tower to standardize playbook execution.
  • Centrally launch playbooks and monitor and review job results with Ansible Tower


Course Outline:

  • Introduce Ansible
  • Deploy Ansible
  • Implement playbooks
  • Manage variables and inclusions
  • Implement task control
  • Implement Jinja2 templates
  • Implement roles
  • Configure complex playbooks
  • Implement Ansible Vault
  • Troubleshoot Ansible
  • Install Ansible Tower and describe Ansible Tower’s architecture
  • Create users and teams for role-based access control
  • Create and manage inventories and credentials
  • Manage projects for provisioning with Ansible Tower
  • Construct advanced job workflows
  • Update inventories dynamically and compare inventory members
  • Maintenance and administration of Ansible Tower


No Events

Duration: 5 Days


  • Become a Red Hat Certified System Administrator, or demonstrate equivalent experience

Target Audience:

This course is designed for Linux system administrators, cloud administrators, and network administrators needing to automate configuration management, application deployment, and intraservice orchestration at an enterprise scale.