Course Overview:

PERL programmers need a clear roadmap for improving their skills. Intermediate PERL teaches a working knowledge of PERL's objects, references, and modules — all of which makes the language so versatile and effective. This class offers a thorough introduction to intermediate programming in PERL. Topics include packages and namespaces, references and scoping, manipulating complex data structures, writing and using modules, package implementation, and using CPAN.

Attendees to P-315: Intermediate PERL Programming will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


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Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Packages and namespaces
  • References and scoping
  • Manipulating complex data structures
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Writing and using modules
  • Testing PERL code
  • Contributing to CPAN




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User: J Masters

Instructor comments: Instructor kept it interesting and brought a wealth of knowledge to the classroom environment. Kept a good pace and provided relevant examples.


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Course Overview:

This course provides security professionals with the skills and knowledge to perform vulnerability and compliance scanning of supported operating systems, devices, and applications. Students will construct custom scan policies for topology discovery, network vulnerability detection, credentialed patch audits, and compliance benchmarks, and discuss the underlying technologies utilized by the Nessus scanner.

This course provides students with the necessary information to prepare for the Tenable Certified Nessus Auditor (TCNA) exam.


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Duration: 5 days

Course Objectives:

  • Introduction to Nessus and Vulnerability Scanning
  • Nessus Installation and Administration
  • Basic Nessus Scan Operation
  • Nessus Scan Configuration and Policy Creation
  • Vulnerability Analysis and Reporting with Nessus
  • Advanced Scan Configuration and Policy Creation
  • Introduction to Compliance and Auditing
  • Nessus Auditing Features
  • Windows System Auditing
  • Unix System Auditing
  • Cisco IOS Auditing
  • Nessus Database Auditing
  • Nessus Content Auditing
  • Auditing to Industry Guidelines
  • Auditing to Federal Guidelines


Students should possess a basic understanding of TCP/IP networking, operating systems security, and common client/server applications.


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Course Overview:

The course teaches students to use the sort, grep, sed, & awk utilities within Unix. Systems administrators, Unix users, & programmers benefit from the course showing them how to use the command line applications of sort, grep, sed, & awk commands as well as using sed & awk scripts that develop the users skills with the full power of these utilities.

Attendees to TN-223: Advanced Shell Programming will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


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Duration: 3 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Sorting files by line or field
  • Regular Expressions (meta character) with grep commands to locate specific lines in files
  • Performing non-interactive editing tasks with the sed command
  • Writing simple sed scripts to perform complex editing tasks
  • Using awk variables & arrays to sort data
  • Employing awk programs to manipulate numeric & textual data
  • Performing formatted printing in awk
  • Writing simple awk programs to write reports from data files
  • Using built-in awk functions & defining new functions
  • Write awk programs that make decisions based on numeric or string comparisons (branches & loops)
  • Grep, egrep extended metacharacters, combinations-lab advanced combinations- lab Sed
  • Basic commands- Lab, Advanced commands- Lab, Advanced scripting -Lab
  • Miscellaneous commands Tr, sort, cut, paste, pr -Lab


  • TN-125: Introduction to UNIX & Linux
  • TN 215: Shell Programming.
  • Students should have a basic knowledge of UNIX commands including rm, cp, man, cat, & mkdir. Navigating directory structure using commands such as ls, cp, & pwd. Creating and editing files with the vi editor or text editor. Use of basic programming constructs, & commands such as variables & loops & how to write a simple program in a programming language.


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Course Overview:


This Python for Penetration Testing course is designed to give you the skills you need for maintaining or developing Python Penetration Testing tools oriented towards offensive operations.  We have a suite of courses and certifications that help  understand a problem, this course prepares the student to rapidly develop prototype code to attack or defend against it.

The course concludes with a Capture the Flag event that will test both your ability to apply your new tools and coding skills in a Python Penetration Testing challenge.

This course is not intended to be an Advanced Python course, but to exemplify penetration techniques utilizing Python.  The course covers Threading, Sockets, OOP, and third party modules that facilitate the offensive operator’s objective.

This course utilizes the “Violent Python” text book.

Attendees to TN-345: Python for Penetration Testers Class will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


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Duration: 3 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Python Lanuage Refress
  • Network Sockets
  • Exception Handling
  • Hashes and Cracking Passwords
  • Threading
    • Concepts and Python Implementation
    • Queues and Synchronization
    • urlparse and httplib to probe URLs
    • Crack a password protected zip file
  • Port Scanner
    • Threading a Port Scanner
  • nmap integration
  • Deploying shellcode
  • Mechanize, BeautifulSoup
    • HTTP Form Password Guessing
    • HTTP Proxies (Burp Suite)
    • HTTP Cookies Session Hijacking
      • CookieMonster
  • Images and Metadata
  • Justniffer
  • SQL Injection
    • sqlmap
    • SQLBrute
  • Antivirus and IDS evasion
    • PyInstaller
    • Metasploit
  • Scapy
    • Deploy shellcode
    • DNS Cache Poisoning
    • Packety Violence



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Course Overview:

The focus of this course is managing Red Hat OpenStack Platform using the unified command-line interface, managing instances, and maintaining an enterprise deployment of OpenStack. This course also teaches the management and customization of an enterprise deployment of OpenStack (overcloud) and how to manage compute nodes with Red Hat OpenStack Platform director (undercloud).

Attendees to CL-345: Red Hat OpenStack Administration II will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


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Duration: 5 Days


This course is intended for Linux system administrators, cloud administrators, cloud operators, and infrastructure architects interested in, or responsible for, maintaining a private or hybrid cloud.

Prerequisites for this course is Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA), or demonstrate equivalent experience.

Attend Red Hat OpenStack Administration I: Core Operations for Cloud Operators (CL115), or demonstrate equivalent experience

Course Outline:

  • Navigate the Red Hat OpenStack Platform architecture
  • Describe the OpenStack control plane
  • Integrate Identity Management
  • Perform image operations
  • Manage storage
  • Manage OpenStack networking
  • Manage compute resources
  • Automate could applications
  • Troubleshoot OpenStack operations
  • Comprehensive review



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