TechNow offers the full gamut of programming languages from ANSI C and C++ to the various Microsoft .Net languages (Visual Basic, C# and C++).  If you are completely new to programming, TechNow offers courses that demonstrate the fundamentals to get you started.

If you prefer Unix/Linux, we offer Shell Programming, as well as, Perl and Python.  We also offer courses in the web development languages, such as, Java Servlets, JSP, and ASP .Net.

The following is a list of our Programming training courses:


Here are all of our Microsoft Server Products related courses:


TechNow is a mobile Pearson VUE Authorized Testing Center, and we can provide the testing right after your certification prep class; thus ensuring a higher pass rate on the certification exams.

Technow is also a mobile Prometric Testing Center.

We can deliver the on-site training and test all in the same week.

For more information, call us today at 800-324-2294

pearson vue authorized testing center