- PA-213: Palo Alto Networks Firewall Install, Configure, and Manage (EDU-201)
- PA-212: Palo Alto Networks Firewall Configure Extended Features (EDU-205)
- PA-215: Palo Alto Networks Firewall Essentials FastTrack
- PA-232: Palo Alto Networks Panorama Manage Multiple Firewalls (EDU-221)
- PA-242: Palo Alto Networks Firewall Manage Cyberthreats (EDU-231)
- PA-243: Palo Alto Networks Firewall Debug and Troubleshoot (EDU-311)
TechNow has been involved in enterprise client server architectures since 1990. TechNow has delivered national and international implementations for Valero, Wholefoods, Quest, USAA, Golfsmith, AMD, Motorola, and many other fortune 1000 corporations,
TechNow's training program has followed the evolution of enterprise computing into virtualization and cloud computing. With a focus on security, TechNow can present the ramifications of many centralized strategies. All courses utilize enterprise instructors with experience and can discuss the detail of implementation and the integration into an existing infrastructure.
- CL-115: Red Hat OpenStack Administration I: Core Operations for Cloud Operators
- CL-218: Introduction to Cloud Infrastructure and Operations Bootcamp
- CL-315: CCSP – Certified Cloud Security Professional Preparation Seminar
- CL-345: Red Hat OpenStack Administration II
- CL-355: Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift Administration
- CL-415: AWS System Operations
- CL-425: AWS Security Operations and Architecture
- CT-213: Cloud Essentials+
- CT-215: Cloud+
- TN-913: Cloud Security Fundamentals
- VM-315: VMware Infrastructure: Install, Configure, and Manage
- VM-325: VMware View: Install, Configure and Manage
- VM-335: VMware Cloud Essentials and vCloud – Architecting the VMware Cloud FastTrack
- VM-345: VMware Infrastructure Security: VMware Install, Configure, and Manage with Security Objectives
Course Overview:
Through hands-on labs, you will learn to automate system administration tasks on managed hosts with Ansible, learn how to write Ansible playbooks to standardize task execution, and manage encryption for Ansible with Ansible Vault. This course will also teach you how to deploy and use Red Hat® Ansible Tower to centrally manage existing Ansible projects, playbooks, and roles; perform basic maintenance and administration of the Ansible Tower installation; and configure users and teams and use them to control access to systems, projects, and other resources through role-based access controls. You will learn to use Ansible Tower’s visual dashboard to launch, control, and monitor Ansible jobs; use the Ansible Tower application programming interface (API) to launch jobs from existing templates; automatically schedule Ansible jobs; and dynamically update host inventories.
Course Objectives:
- Install and troubleshoot Ansible on central nodes and managed hosts
- Automate administration tasks with Ansible playbooks and ad hoc commands
- Write effective Ansible playbooks
- Protect sensitive data used by tasks with Ansible Vault.
- Install and configure Ansible Tower for enterprise Ansible management
- Use Ansible Tower to control access to inventories and machine credentials by users and teams
- Create job templates in Ansible Tower to standardize playbook execution.
- Centrally launch playbooks and monitor and review job results with Ansible Tower
Course Outline:
- Introduce Ansible
- Deploy Ansible
- Implement playbooks
- Manage variables and inclusions
- Implement task control
- Implement Jinja2 templates
- Implement roles
- Configure complex playbooks
- Implement Ansible Vault
- Troubleshoot Ansible
- Install Ansible Tower and describe Ansible Tower’s architecture
- Create users and teams for role-based access control
- Create and manage inventories and credentials
- Manage projects for provisioning with Ansible Tower
- Construct advanced job workflows
- Update inventories dynamically and compare inventory members
- Maintenance and administration of Ansible Tower
No Events
Duration: 5 Days
- Become a Red Hat Certified System Administrator, or demonstrate equivalent experience
Target Audience:
This course is designed for Linux system administrators, cloud administrators, and network administrators needing to automate configuration management, application deployment, and intraservice orchestration at an enterprise scale.
Course Overview:
This hands-on training course builds your skills in the VMware ViewTM suite of products: VMware View Manager, VMware View Composer, and VMware® ThinAppTM. Based on customer specification, this course can be based on View 4.x or 5.x, and ThinApp 4.x or 5.x releases.
Attendees to VM-325: VMware View: Install, Configure and Manage will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.
At the end of this course, you should understand the features and operations of View and be able to:
- Install and configure View components
- Create and manage dedicated and floating desktop pools
- Deploy and manage linked-clone virtual desktops
- Configure and manage desktops that run in local mode
- Configure secure access to desktops through a public network
- Use ThinApp to package applications
No Events
Duration: 5 days
Course Objectives:
- Module 1: Course Introduction
- Module 2: Introduction to VMware View
- Module 3: View Connection Server
- Module 4: View Desktops
- Module 5: View Client Options
- Module 6: View Administratory
- Module 7: Configuring and Managing Linked Clones
- Module 8: Local-Mode Desktops
- Module 9: Command-Line Tools and Backup Options
- Module 10: Managing VMware View Security
- Module 11: View Manager Performance and Scalability
- Module 12: VMware® ThinAppTM
- VM-315: VMware Infrastructure: Install, Configure and Manage
- Experience in Microsoft Windows Active Directory Administration
- Experience with VMware vSphereTM
- Before attending the course, students must be able to perform the following tasks:
- Create a template in VMware vCenterTM Server and deploy a virtual machine from it
- Modify a template customization file
- Open a virtual machine console in vCenter Server and access the guest operating system
- Configure Active Directory services
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Course Overview:
This Python for Penetration Testing course is designed to give you the skills you need for maintaining or developing Python Penetration Testing tools oriented towards offensive operations. We have a suite of courses and certifications that help understand a problem, this course prepares the student to rapidly develop prototype code to attack or defend against it.
The course concludes with a Capture the Flag event that will test both your ability to apply your new tools and coding skills in a Python Penetration Testing challenge.
This course is not intended to be an Advanced Python course, but to exemplify penetration techniques utilizing Python. The course covers Threading, Sockets, OOP, and third party modules that facilitate the offensive operator’s objective.
This course utilizes the “Violent Python” text book.
Attendees to TN-345: Python for Penetration Testers Class will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.
No Events
Duration: 3 Days
Course Objectives:
- Python Lanuage Refress
- Network Sockets
- Exception Handling
- Hashes and Cracking Passwords
- Threading
- Concepts and Python Implementation
- Queues and Synchronization
- urlparse and httplib to probe URLs
- Crack a password protected zip file
- Port Scanner
- Threading a Port Scanner
- nmap integration
- Deploying shellcode
- Mechanize, BeautifulSoup
- HTTP Form Password Guessing
- HTTP Proxies (Burp Suite)
- HTTP Cookies Session Hijacking
- CookieMonster
- Images and Metadata
- Justniffer
- SQL Injection
- sqlmap
- SQLBrute
- Antivirus and IDS evasion
- PyInstaller
- Metasploit
- Scapy
- Deploy shellcode
- DNS Cache Poisoning
- Packety Violence
- Python Programming Skills or P-325: Python Programming
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