Course Overview:

This course delivers the technical knowledge, insight, and hands-on training to receive in-depth knowledge on Wireshark® and TCP/IP communications analysis. You will learn to use Wireshark to identify the most common causes of performance problems in TCP/IP communications. You will learn about the underlying theory of TCP/IP and the most used application protocols, so that you can intelligently examine network traffic for performance issues or possible Indicators of Compromise (IoC).

Duration: 5 Days


Anyone interested in learning to troubleshoot and optimize TCP/IP networks and analyze network traffic with Wireshark, especially network engineers, information technology specialists, and security analysts.

Course Prerequisites:

We recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisite:
• Network+

Dates/Locations: No Events

Course Outline:


Course Set Up and Analyzer Testing

Network Analysis Overview
Wireshark Functionality Overview
Capturing Wired and Wireless Traffic
Define Global and Personal Preferences for Faster Analysis
Defined Time Values and Interpret Summaries
Interpret Basic Trace File Statistics to Identify Trends
Create and Apply Display Filters for Efficient Analysis


Follow Streams and Reassemble Data
Use Wireshark’s Expert System to Identify Anomalies
TCP/IP Analysis Overview
Analyze Common TCP/IP Traffic Patterns


Graph I/O Rates and TCP Trends
802.11 (WLAN) Analysis Fundamentals
Voice over IP (VoIP) Analysis Fundamentals
Network Forensics Fundamentals


Detect Scanning and Discovery Processes
Analyze Suspect Traffic


Use Command‐Line Tools

Next/Related Courses:



Course Overview:

As VoIP (Voice-over IP) is integrated into the operations of many missions, it is imperative to understand its security ramifications.  In the N-595: VoIP Security Analysis and Design class the objectives are designed for those who are chartered with the responsibility of securing networks and application environments that incorporate VoIP.   Topics include how VoIP works, its interactions with the network, its vulnerabilities and mitigations.  Focus is on leading open source and proprietary technologies utilizing Asterisk and Cisco and the protocols SIP, H.323, RTP, MGCP, and Skinny.  Other protocols such as Nortel's UNIStim will be addressed.  As for Cisco, security pieces in the VoIP CallManager servers, Catalyst switches, IOS-based routers, and ASA firewalls, amounts to several different platforms, each with its own management interface and lockdown procedures.   Various open source tools including those in BackTrack are used for VoIP attacks.  A task list of actions for securing enterprise VoIP is carried out in hands-on labs, performed on Cisco phones, routers, switches, and ASA firewalls.

Attendees to N-595: VoIP Security Analysis and Design will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • VoIP Architecture
  • VoIP Signaling and media protocols
  • Common VoIP authentication mechanisms
  • Common VoIP encryption techniques
  • VoIP protocol analysis with Wireshark
  • Maintaining QoS while mitigating DoS
  • VoXML, XML, and application integration security
  • Converged network security design and implementation
  • Impact of NAT and firewalls
  • SIP, H.323, and MGCP vulnerabilities
  • VPN, IPsec and SRTP to secure VoIP services
  • Penetration testing with open source tools
  • Attacks for Eavesdropping, call redirection, and DoS
  • Design of hacked firmware virtualization layer
  • Concise lockdown steps for network hardware and VoIP


  • This is an advanced Information Security Course which requires basic Windows & UNIX competency
  • Certification or 2 years of experience in these operating systems is highly recommended
  • As well as an understanding of TCP/IP


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Course Overview:

This course is designed for professionals that are expected to do malware analysis. A skills focus enables the student to better absorb the subject matter and perform successfully on the job.   This is not death by power point. The course is aligned with information assurance operators and executing hands-on labs. Lecture and labs walk the student through the knowledge required to truly understand the mechanics Reverse Engineering Malware.

Attendees to TN-999: Reverse Engineering Malware will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 days

Course Objectives:

  • Toolkit and Lab Assembly
  • Malware Code and Behavioral Analysis Fundamentals
  • Malicious Static and Dynamic Code Analysis
  • Collecting/Probing System and Network Activities
  • Analysis of Malicious Document Files
  • Analyzing Protected Executables
  • Analyzing Web-Based Malware
  • DLL Construction and API Hooking
  • Common Windows Malware Characteristics in x86 Assembly
  • Unpacking Protected Malware
  • In-Depth Analysis of Malicious Browser Scripts, Flash Programs and Office
  • In-Depth Analysis of Malicious Executables
  • Windows x86 Assembly Code Concepts for Revers-Engineering Memory Forensics for Rootkit Analysis


  • Strong understanding of core systems and network concepts
  • Exposure to programming and assembly concepts
  • Comfortable with command line access


Latest comments from students

User: marcus.osullivan

Instructor comments: Good stuff. I like the beginning half where there was help from an additional instructor to facilitate fixing computer errors that inevitably popped up.

Facilities comments: The baby deer were neat! I like the resort.

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Course Overview:

The mark of excellence for a professional certification program is the value and recognition it bestows on the individual who achieves it.  The technical skills & practices the CISA promotes and evaluates are the building blocks of success in the field. Possessing the CISA designation demonstrates proficiency and is the basis for measurement in the profession.  With a growing demand for professionals possessing IS audit, control and security skills, CISA has become a preferred certification program by individuals and organizations around the world.  CISA certification signifies commitment to serving an organization and the IS audit, control and security industry with distinction.  This course will help the student prepare to obtain this credential.

Attendees to TN-822: Certified Information Systmes Auditor (CISA) Seminar will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.

Document Flow Chart iconsm


Date/Time Event
05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025
08:00 -16:00
TN-822: Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Seminar
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX
10/06/2025 - 10/10/2025
08:00 -16:00
TN-822: Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Seminar
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • The IS Audit Process (10%)
    • Provide IS audit services in accordance with IS audit standards, guidelines, and best practices to assist the organization in ensuring that its information technology and business systems are protected & controlled.
  • IT Governance (15%)
    • Provide assurance that the organization has the structure, policies, accountability, mechanisms and monitoring practices in place to achieve the requirements of corporate governance of IT.
  • System and Infrastructure Life Cycle Management (16%)
    • Provide assurance that the management practices for the development/acquisition, testing, implementation, maintenance and disposal of systems and infrastructure will meet the organization's objectives.
  • IT Service Delivery and Support (14%)
    • Provide assurance that the IT service management practices will ensure the delivery of the level of services required to meet the organization's objectives.
  • Protection of Information Assets (31%)
    • Provide assurance that the security architecture (policies, standards, procedures and controls) ensures the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information assets.
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (14%)
    • Provide assurance that, in the event of a disruption, the business continuity and disaster recovery processes will ensure the timely resumption of IT services, while minimizing the business impact.


A minimum of five years of professional information systems auditing, control & security work experienced is required.  Experience must have been gained within the 10-year period preceding the application date for certification, or within five years from the date of initially passing the examination.


Latest comments from students

User: fsarisen

Instructor comments: Thank you Tim for all the great information! I am confident that I'll do well on the ICND exam.

User: storoy30

Instructor comments: The instructor, Tim Burkard, was very knowledgeable on the course material and skilled at explain more complex ideas.

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Course Overview: 

Learn to protect yourself and your company against hackers, by learning their tools and techniques, and then testing your network.  This course is heavily based on Kali and primarily on Metasploit.  In TN-515: Implementing Cybersecurity and Information Assurance Methodologies class you will learn the step by step process that hackers use to assess your enterprise network, probe it & hack into it, utilizing a mixed-platform target environment including Windows, Linux, Solaris, and Cisco.  This course is 90% hacking, but  defenses for demonstrated hacks will be discussed.  If you want to know the ins and outs of the hacks presented in this course, then this is the course for you.

Attendees to TN-515: Implementing Cybersecurity and Information Assurance Methodologies Class Attendees will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Introduction to Pen Testing using the PTES model
  • Metasploit Basics
    • MSFconsole, MSFcli, Armitage, MSFpayload, MSFencode, NasmShell
  • Intelligence Gathering
    • Nmap, Databases in Metasploit, Port Scanning with Metasploit
  • Quick Intro to Ruby
    • Writing a simple Ruby script to create a custom scanner
  • Vulnerability Scanning
    • Importing Nessus Results
    • Scanning with Nessus from Within Metasploit
  • Exploitation
    • Using the Metasploit Framework and console to exploit
  • Meterpreter
    • Compromising a Windows System
    • Attacking MS SQL, xp_cmdshell
    • Dumping Usernames and Passwords, extracting and dumping hashes
    • Pass the Hash and Token Impersonation
    • Pivoting
    • Railgun
    • Using Meterpreter Scripts: Migrating a process, Killing AV, Persistence
  • Avoiding Detection
    • Creating Stand-Alone Binaries with MSFpayload
    • Encoding with MSFencode and Packers (go Green Bay:)
  • Exploitation Using Client Side Attacks
    • Introduction to Immunity Debugger
    • Using Immunity Debugger to Decipher NOP Shellcode
  • Metasploit Auxiliary Modules
  • Social Engineer Toolkit (SET)
    • Spear-Phishing, Web Attack
    • Creating a Multipronged Attack
  • Creating Your Own Module
    • Adapt an existing Module
    • Add some PowerShell and Run the Exploit
  • Meterpreter Scripting
  • Capture The Flag Exercise


  • This is an advanced  Cybersecurity and Information Assurance Course which requires basic Windows & UNIX competency
  • Certification or 2 years of experience in these operating systems is highly recommended
  • An understanding of TCP/IP


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