Course Overview:

Intrusion Analyst is a hands-on course that covers intrusion detection in-depth. This includes concepts such as the use of Snort, network traffic analysis, and IDS signatures.

A skills focus enables the student to better absorb the subject matter and perform successfully on the job.   This is not death by power point. The course is aligned with information assurance operators and executing hands-on labs. Lecture and labs walk the student through the knowledge required to truly understand the mechanics of packet and intrusion analysis.

Attendees to TN-979: Intrusion Analyst will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 days

Course Objectives:

  • Advanced Snort Concepts
  • Analyst Toolkit
  • Domain Name System (DNS)
  • Examining Packet Crafting
  • Examining Packet Header Fields
  • Fragmentation
  • ICMP Theory
  • IDS Interoperability
  • IDS Patterns
  • IDS/IPS Management & Architecture Issues
  • Indications, Warnings & Traffic Correlation
  • IPv6
  • Microsoft Protocols
  • Network Traffic Analysis
  • NIDS Evasion, Instertion & Checksums
  • Snort Fundamentals & Configuration
  • Snort GUIs & Sensor Management
  • Snort Performance, Active Response & Tagging
  • Snort Rules
  • Stimulus Response
  • TCPdump Fundamentals
  • TCP/IP Fundamentals
  • Wireshark Fundamentals
  • Writing TCPdump Filters

Course Prerequisites:

  • GSEC or equivalent experience
  • UNIX, Windows, Networking, and Security Experience
  • This is a hands-on skill course requiring comfort with command line interaction and network communications


Latest comments from students

User: Tosha

Instructor comments: Dave was an excellent instructor. He is very informative and knowledgeable in the course and the material. I have enjoyed the class and I would take another course with him as the instructor.

Facilities comments: Very nice and clean hotel.

User: buckey26

Instructor comments: Dave was one of the best instructors I have ever had for a tech course. He broke down everything to the point where you can understand it internally.

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Course Overview:

This course will be fast paced with in-depth and live demonstrations.


No Events

Duration: 1 day

Course Objectives:

  • AIDE
  • DNS Security with DNSsec
  • Logging and Audit Management
  • Linux Security Modules and SE-Linux
  • Linus Containers (Jailing Services and Apps)
  • SSH and SSL tunneling




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Course Overview:

This course engages students by providing in-depth knowledge of the most prominent and powerful attack vectors and an environment to perform these attacks in numerous hands-on scenarios. This course goes far beyond simple scanning for low-hanging fruit, and shows penetration testers how to model the abilities of an advanced attacker to find significant flaws in a target environment and demonstrate the business risk associated with these flaws.

Attendees to TN-919:Penetration Tester course will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Course Duration: 5 days

Course Objectives:

  • Advanced Hash Manipulation
  • Command Shell vs. Terminal Access
  • Enumerating Users
  • Exploitation Fundamentals
  • Injection Attacks
  • Legal Issues
  • Metasploit
  • Moving Files with Exploits
  • Obtaining and Passing Password Representations
  • Overview of Passwords
  • Penetration Testing Foundations
  • Penetration Testing Process
  • Penetration Testing via the Command Line
  • Profiling the Target
  • Reconnaissance
  • Scanning for Targets
  • Using a Proxy to Attack a Web Application
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Wireless Crypto and Client Attacks
  • Wireless Fundamentals

Course Prerequisites:

  • GSEC or equivalent experience
  • UNIX, Windows, networking, and security experience
  • This is a hands-on skill course requiring comfort with command line interaction and network communications


Latest comments from students

User: kdwagoner

Instructor comments: Very knowledgeable. Kept class focused and on task

Facilities comments: Good

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Course Overview:

The focus of Red Hat OpenStack Administration I: Core Operations for Cloud Operators (CL110) will be managing OpenStack using both the web-based dashboard and the command-line interface, in addition to managing instances and installing a proof-of-concept environment using Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) director. Essential skills covered in the course include configuring Red Hat OpenStack Platform (using the director UI); managing users, projects, flavors, roles, images, networking, and block storage; setting quotas; and configuring images at instantiation.

Attendees to CL-115 Red Hat OpenStack Administration I: Core Operations for Cloud Operators will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days


This course is designed for Linux system administrators, cloud administrators, and cloud operators interested in, or responsible for, maintaining a private or hybrid cloud.

Prerequisites for this course is Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) or demonstrate equivalent experience

Course Outline:

  • Launch an instance
  • Manage projects, quotas, and users
  • Manage networks, subnets, routers, and floating IP adresses
  • Create and manage block and object storage in the OpenStack framework
  • Customize instances with cloud-init
  • Deploy scalable stacks
  • Deploy RedHat OpenStack Platform using RHOSP director



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Course Overview:

C-225: C++ Object Oriented Programming is a hands-on course that provides a complete introduction to the ANSI Standard C++ programming language, focusing on quickly developing the practical skills needed to create real-world solutions.  Our hands-on labs are designed to promote retention and challenge students to apply their skills to new situations.

C++ is more than just C with classes.  It is a whole new language with a structure similar to C, but with significant differences to warrant a complete course to cover its features.

Attendees to C-225: C++ Oriented Programming will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Classes
  • Casting in C++
  • Constructors & Destructors
  • Class Methods & Data
  • Inheritance
  • Overloaded Functions
  • Virtual Functions
  • Overloaded Operators
  • Pure Virtual Functions
  • Exception Handling
  • References & Constants
  • Standard Template Library
  • New and Delete
  • STL Containers




Latest comments from students

User: christinehejnal

Instructor comments: The material was made clear, however I don't agree that she shouldn't have catered towards the people not taking the exam.

Facilities comments: The facilities were cold and very noisy, I found it hard to concentrate.

User: mamacker1

Instructor comments: Informative instructor. Definitely not monotone. I'd recommend it to my sister if I had one.

Liked the class?  Then let everyone know!