Course Overview:

This CEH course will immerse you into a “Hacker Mindset” in order to teach you how to think like a hacker and better defend against future attacks. Students are in the driver’s seat with a hands-on training environment employing a systematic ethical hacking process. All while teaching students how to scan, test, hack, and secure target systems. CEH shows how hackers think and act maliciously so you can learn to better position your organization’s security infrastructure and defend against future attacks.

This CEH course covers the Five Phases of Ethical Hacking, diving into Reconnaissance, Gaining Access, Enumeration, Maintaining Access, and covering your tracks.

This CEH course delivers in-demand ethical hacking skills while preparing you for the internationally-recognized Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification exam  from EC-Council.

This course supports a certification that is DoD approved 8570 Baseline Certificate and meets DoD 8140/8570 training requirements.

What’s Included:

  • EC-Council official E-Courseware
  • EC-Council official iLabs code with access for 6 months
  • EC-Council official Certificate of Attendance
  • CEH Exam Voucher


Security Course Flow
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Date/Time Event
05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025
08:00 -16:00
TN-555: Certified Ethical Hacker v13 (CEH)
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX
08/11/2025 - 08/15/2025
08:00 -16:00
TN-555: Certified Ethical Hacker v13 (CEH)
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX
11/17/2025 - 11/21/2025
08:00 -16:00
TN-555: Certified Ethical Hacker v13 (CEH)
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX

Duration: 5 Days

Course Content:

  • Module 01. Introduction to Ethical Hacking
  • Module 02. Foot-printing and Reconnaissance
  • Module 03. Scanning Networks
  • Module 04. Enumeration
  • Module 05. Vulnerable Analysis
  • Module 06. System Hacking
  • Module 07. Malware Threats
  • Module 08. Sniffing
  • Module 09. Social Engineering
  • Module 10. Denial-of-Service
  • Module 11. Session Hijacking
  • Module 12. Evading IDS,Firewalls, and Honeypots
  • Module 13. Hacking Web Servers
  • Module 14. Hacking Web Applications
  • Module 15. SQL Injection
  • Module 16. Hacking Wireless Networks
  • Module 17. Hacking Mobile Platforms
  • Module 18. IoT and OT Hacking
  • Module 19. Cloud Computing
  • Module 20. Cryptography



  • Windows operating system and/or Linux operating system or other Unix-based OS
  • TCP/IP protocols and implementation
  • At least 2 years of IT security experience
  • TN-325:Security+

Target Audience:

Information Security Analyst/Administrator, Information Assurance (IA) Security Officer, Information Security Manager/Specialist, Auditors, Security Professional, Site Admins, Penetration Testers, Red Team,Risk/Threat/Vulnerability Analyst, Individuals concerned about the integrity of network infrastructure


About us:

TechNow has taught security courses for almost 30 years, before most certifications existed and has successfully moved students through certification programs associated with IAPP, SANS, EC-Council and ISC2. Our instructor maintains over a dozen security certifications and has been the director of a company with internationals sales in security training, consulting, and compliance.

Tech Now, Inc. is an accredited Training Center with Ec-Council.


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Course Overview:

A skills focus enables the student to better absorb the subject matter and perform successfully on the job.  This is not death by power point. The course is aligned with information assurance operators and executing hands-on labs to secure Windows systems. Lecture and labs start with quick review of Active Directory and group policy to enforce security mechanisms within the Windows architecture.  Students then gain network experience and use sniffing to help exemplify the benefit of learning wired and wireless security configurations.  PowerShell is made for SecOps/DevOps automation and students will learn to write PowerShell scripts to automate security operations and Desired State Configuration (DSC).  The course concludes with exercising real attack strategies to demonstrate the effectives of properly securing your host.

Attendees to TN-969: Windows Security Administrator course will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 days

Course Objectives:

  • Active Directory and BloodHound
  • Security Controls
  • PKI
  • Encryption
  • Wireless & Network Security and Hardening DNS
  • 802.1x and Endpoint Protection
  • Firewalls and VPN
  • PowerShell Scripting
  • JEA, DSC, Enterprise Security with PowerShell
  • Windows Attack Strategies


  • Security+
  • Windows System Administration Skills



Latest comments from students

User: bbrabender

Instructor comments: Instructor was very knowledgeable and help more inexperienced users with concepts as well explaining in a way that can be understood.

Facilities comments: N/A

User: dale.r.anderson

Instructor comments: Instructor was well knowlegeable accross alot of domains.

Facilities comments: Pretty good

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Course Overview:

Every programmer must keep up with the latest tools and techniques. This course will help you push your skills to the next level and become a more accomplished programmer.  Advanced PERL Programming teaches you all the complex techniques for production-ready PERL programs and explains concepts such as introspection, overriding built-ins, extending PERL's OO model, and testing your code for greater stability.

Attendees to P-415: Advanced PERL Programming will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Advanced Techniques
  • Parsing Techniques
  • Templating Tools
  • Objects, Databases, and Applications
  • Natural Language Tools
  • PERL and Natural Languages
  • Handling English Text
  • Modules for Parsing English
  • Categorization and Extraction
  • PERL and Unicode
  • POE
  • Programming in an Event-Driven Environment
  • Testing
  • Keeping Tests and Code Together
  • Inline Extensions
  • Just Another PERL Hacker




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Course Overview:

The mark of excellence for a professional certification program is the value and recognition it bestows on the individual who achieves it.  The technical skills & practices the CISA promotes and evaluates are the building blocks of success in the field. Possessing the CISA designation demonstrates proficiency and is the basis for measurement in the profession.  With a growing demand for professionals possessing IS audit, control and security skills, CISA has become a preferred certification program by individuals and organizations around the world.  CISA certification signifies commitment to serving an organization and the IS audit, control and security industry with distinction.  This course will help the student prepare to obtain this credential.

Attendees to TN-822: Certified Information Systmes Auditor (CISA) Seminar will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.

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Date/Time Event
03/03/2025 - 03/07/2025
08:00 -16:00
TN-822: Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Seminar
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX
05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025
08:00 -16:00
TN-822: Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Seminar
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX
10/06/2025 - 10/10/2025
08:00 -16:00
TN-822: Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Seminar
TechNow, Inc, San Antonio TX

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • The IS Audit Process (10%)
    • Provide IS audit services in accordance with IS audit standards, guidelines, and best practices to assist the organization in ensuring that its information technology and business systems are protected & controlled.
  • IT Governance (15%)
    • Provide assurance that the organization has the structure, policies, accountability, mechanisms and monitoring practices in place to achieve the requirements of corporate governance of IT.
  • System and Infrastructure Life Cycle Management (16%)
    • Provide assurance that the management practices for the development/acquisition, testing, implementation, maintenance and disposal of systems and infrastructure will meet the organization's objectives.
  • IT Service Delivery and Support (14%)
    • Provide assurance that the IT service management practices will ensure the delivery of the level of services required to meet the organization's objectives.
  • Protection of Information Assets (31%)
    • Provide assurance that the security architecture (policies, standards, procedures and controls) ensures the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information assets.
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (14%)
    • Provide assurance that, in the event of a disruption, the business continuity and disaster recovery processes will ensure the timely resumption of IT services, while minimizing the business impact.


A minimum of five years of professional information systems auditing, control & security work experienced is required.  Experience must have been gained within the 10-year period preceding the application date for certification, or within five years from the date of initially passing the examination.


Latest comments from students

User: fsarisen

Instructor comments: Thank you Tim for all the great information! I am confident that I'll do well on the ICND exam.

User: storoy30

Instructor comments: The instructor, Tim Burkard, was very knowledgeable on the course material and skilled at explain more complex ideas.

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Course Overview:

In this course, students learn the IPv6 protocols & processes & describe how IPv6 is supported in the latest versions of Microsoft Windows operating system.  Students will also learn how to describe transition technologies that allow you to deploy IPv6 in IPv4 intranets & across the IPv4 Internet.

Attendees to TN-395: Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Learn how to create IPv6 networks with Cisco Systems products
  • Supplement your IPv6 course with a self-study guide based on the course materials
  • Understand practical applications of IPv6 through a solutions-oriented writing approach
  • Increase comprehension & retention through chapter tools like objectives, summaries, scenarios & review questions
  • Features & benefits of IPv6
  • IPv6 in the Windows Server2003 Family
  • IPv6 addressing & the IPv6 header
  • Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6 (ICMPv6)
  • Neighbor & multicast listener discovery
  • Address auto configuration
  • IPv6 name resolution & routing
  • Coexistence & migration
  • IPv6 mobility


  • Students should have a working knowledge of a Windows OR Unix Operating system. 
  • In addition, the student should also have basic end-user skills in TCP/IP.



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