Course Overview:


This Python for Penetration Testing course is designed to give you the skills you need for maintaining or developing Python Penetration Testing tools oriented towards offensive operations.  We have a suite of courses and certifications that help  understand a problem, this course prepares the student to rapidly develop prototype code to attack or defend against it.

The course concludes with a Capture the Flag event that will test both your ability to apply your new tools and coding skills in a Python Penetration Testing challenge.

This course is not intended to be an Advanced Python course, but to exemplify penetration techniques utilizing Python.  The course covers Threading, Sockets, OOP, and third party modules that facilitate the offensive operator’s objective.

This course utilizes the “Violent Python” text book.

Attendees to TN-345: Python for Penetration Testers Class will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 3 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Python Lanuage Refress
  • Network Sockets
  • Exception Handling
  • Hashes and Cracking Passwords
  • Threading
    • Concepts and Python Implementation
    • Queues and Synchronization
    • urlparse and httplib to probe URLs
    • Crack a password protected zip file
  • Port Scanner
    • Threading a Port Scanner
  • nmap integration
  • Deploying shellcode
  • Mechanize, BeautifulSoup
    • HTTP Form Password Guessing
    • HTTP Proxies (Burp Suite)
    • HTTP Cookies Session Hijacking
      • CookieMonster
  • Images and Metadata
  • Justniffer
  • SQL Injection
    • sqlmap
    • SQLBrute
  • Antivirus and IDS evasion
    • PyInstaller
    • Metasploit
  • Scapy
    • Deploy shellcode
    • DNS Cache Poisoning
    • Packety Violence



Latest comments from students


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Increase your credibility, job security, and career opportunities by reaching your goal and getting certified!  TechNow offers many CompTIA bootcamp style courses in which we administer an exam on the last day of class.  We have a proven testing program that will get you the results you want!


TechNow offers the full gamut of programming languages from ANSI C and C++ to the various Microsoft .Net languages (Visual Basic, C# and C++).  If you are completely new to programming, TechNow offers courses that demonstrate the fundamentals to get you started.

If you prefer Unix/Linux, we offer Shell Programming, as well as, Perl and Python.  We also offer courses in the web development languages, such as, Java Servlets, JSP, and ASP .Net.

The following is a list of our Programming training courses:


Course Overview:

This hands-on course provides a comprehensive introduction to programming logic, and builds a solid foundation of programming skills that can be used to master additional programming languages like C, C++, PERL, Java or Python. To learn programming you must focus on a particular language, and we have chosen Java.  In this course you will write and debug programs in Python. If you would like this course to use a different computer language, that can be arranged.

Attendees to PL-115: Fundamentals of Computer Programming will receive TechNow approved course materials and expert instruction.


No Events

Duration: 5 Days

Course Objectives:

  • Writing Simple Programs Data Types, Constants, & Variables
  • Screen Output & Keyboard Input
  • Expressions
  • Decision Making
  • Looping
  • Subroutines
  • Debugging
  • Data Collections – Arrays
  • Data Collections – Classes Working with Files


  • This course is for students starting out in programming.  No programming experience is required.



Latest comments from students

User: tsonger

Instructor comments: While I could tell the instructor was very knowledgeable, his instructions were not very clear. He could've done a better job preparing for the class.

Facilities comments: Room was fine. The location of the room could have been better as the dings from the elevator were a bit distractive.

User: TracyPaul

Instructor comments: Very knowledgeable. Diagnosed our programming problems in short order. Could go into the details of 'why', versus only the 'how'.

Facilities comments: Outstanding. The hotel staff did a great job supporting our class.


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